
There are things in this world that are not Sam Sykes. This fact is as grim and undeniable as Sam Sykes’ own muscular resolve. Perhaps, though, you are the kind of person not satisfied by Sam Sykes’ irrefutable sternness and seek enlightenment on other subjects? Sam Sykes, were he less just and fair, would perhaps ask ‘why?’ Then he might slap you. But as Sam Sykes is currently the leading pinnacle of justice and equality, he will simply offer you many fine links to other authors, publishing sites and points of intrigue below.

Please note that all details relating to obtaining the affections and/or stalking Sam Sykes, such as his Twitter or Facebook profiles, can be found on the main page!


John “Footwise” Scalzi: Come read the delusional rantings of a madman.

Joe “The Gentleman Groper” Abercrombie: Sam Sykes has defeated this man in battle at least twenty times.

Patrick “Believe in the Beard” Rothfuss: Talented author; once sold Sam Sykes a tour schedule for six bucks and a bottle of queso dip.

Scott “Sasquatch” Lynch: Phenomenal author, may possibly be creature of myth.

Vicki “Red Death” Pettersson: Might have a crush/restraining order on Sam Sykes.

Alex “Spider-Eater” Bell: Incredibly talented, shockingly attractive, offensively young; also, she once totally smiled at Sam Sykes and everyone was like “woaaaaahhhhh” and Sam Sykes was all “yeah, I know.”

Mark “Charon” Charan Newton: Half fantasy author, half basset hound, all Newton.

Lou “Does Not Like to be Called Louie” Anders: The only man to have one foot in publishing, editing, authoring and champion bass fishing.

Jon “Spunky” Sprunk: Autobiographical author of books about magical assassins.  Yeah, I don’t get it, either.

Blake “Goatee Rides” Charlton: in the kingdom of the shaven heads, he is king…well, maybe something more like a landowner, but you get the point.

David “Fall of Man” Devereux; At the time of this writing, David Devereux’s website was scandalously bare. By the time of this reading, it has probably been upgraded to “crime against decency.”

Tom “That’s Adultery” Lloyd: Excellent author, incredibly nice guy, can fit into most small passages.

James A. “Spectrocles” Owen: One of the best people to ever introduce Sam Sykes to Felicia Day.

Stephen “I’m a Dragon” Deas: Arrested for trying to spew fire on schoolchildren six times as of this writing.

M.D. “5’1o” Lachlan: Sam Sykes is totally taller than this guy.

Sarah “Pinbroseph” Pinborough: It’s actually pronounce Pin-bro.  I know, weird, right?

Adam Roberts: Thinks Sam Sykes is sexually irresistible.



Pyr Books

Heyne Publishing

Mynx Publishing

Doubleday Canada

Fleuvre Noir

Blogs of Interest

A Dribble of Ink: One of the most in-depth and subtly erotic sci-fi/fantasy blogs available to deviants today.

Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist: Not to be confused with Pat’s Fantasy Hitlist…we…we don’t talk about those people anymore.

The Wertzone: Adam Whitehead can lift a tire over his head!

Graeme’s Fantasy Blog: Nice guy, nice blog, phenomenal hat.

My Favourite Books: Might be dead by the time you read this.

The Book Smugglers: At least one of these girls thinks Sam Sykes is handsome; the other one refuses to answer, no matter how many emails she gets…not that Sam Sykes would know anything about that.

Speculative Horizons: James Long fears and respects Sam Sykes.

Next Read: The title is something of a misnomer, Gavin Pugh has not actually moved on from “Go Dog Go” yet.

The Speculative Scotsman: Possibly the site most offensive to sci-fi/fantasy bloggers in Scotland.

Floor to Ceiling Books: Amanda Rutter was the original inspiration for most crime dramas and most crimes.

LEC Book Reviews: It stands for Louis’ Electric Crotch.  You can’t help but read it now, can you?

Speculative Book Reviews: It is technically politically incorrect to call them a “hivemind.”

Weird Mage Reviews: Ole Imsen is considered pretty weird in Norway, but not in Liberia.

Porno Kitsch: A geek culture blog.  No porno.  Kind of a rip-off.

Comic Book Outsiders: The inverse of Comic Book Insiders.


Science Fiction Writers of America: Sam Sykes had to defeat three science fiction authors in lethal combat to earn his position amongst their honored, moist halls.

Heifer International: An excellent charity dedicated to ending world hunger.

Child’s Play: A very generous charity devoted to giving sick children the chance to enjoy what all kids should be able to.

Kids Need to Read: A charity built around the importance of childrens’ literacy and one of my personal favorites.


Order of the Stick: One of the cleverest storytellers in the business…in pictoral form!

Penny Arcade: The gold standard of webcomics and gaming culture.


Nedroid: Children’s books as viewed through the eyes of a ursine-tuber hybrid.

Hark, a Vagrant: Kate Beaton has yet to acknowledge Sam Sykes’ existence.

Supernormal Step: Action, adventure and a lot of tight pants!

Boxer Hockey: What professional sports should have been.  Hilarious and astonishingly sweet at times.

Phoenix Requiem: A masterfully-crafted tale in a masterfully-crafted world by a master craftsman…woman?

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