World Science Fiction Convention

Hugo and Chesley Awards

I am back from Japan and the Hugo Awards, where it was a great honor to accept the award for Ian McDonald. Ian won Best Novelette for “The Djinn’s Wife“, originally published in Asimov‘s July 2006 issue. “The Djinn’s Wife” is, of course, part of the future India milieu Ian created in his Hugo-nominated novel River of Gods.Pictured left is co-host George Takei, Yours Truly, and Ian’s beautiful Hugo, which featured a statue of long-running Japanese SF hero Ultraman.

Meanwhile, the evening before, I was equally honored to accept a Chesley Award on behalf of Stephan Martiniere in the category of Best Cover Illustration – Hardcover for the wonderful work he did for the cover of River of Gods.

My full convention report is here. Also, be sure to see Jay Lake’s LiveJournal for some more great pictures from the show.

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The 65th World Science Fiction Convention

My programming schedule for the forthcoming World Science Fiction Convention, to be held August 30th to September 3rd, in Yokohama, Japan:

Fri 1000 Sprawl Fiction
Participants: Ellen DATLOW, Gavin J. GRANT, Lou ANDERS, Yoshio KOBAYASHI
“Sprawl fiction” was coined to show how new writers, most in their thirties, are trying to expand our genre yet still loving its very core, straight SF. Terms like “new Weird”, “interstitial”, “strange fiction” or “new fabulist” don’t cover the trend fully. It is a natural reflection of our urban society and probably heralds the new stage of our evolution; to the stars. We talk about why the new generation slipstream is not the fusion of literary fiction and SF/F.

Fri 1200 Remembering Robert Anton WILSON
Participants: Jack William BELL, Lou ANDERS, Yoshio KOBAYASHI
Remembering the golden days of the geeks.

Fri 1500 Pyr: Upcoming Books Slideshow
Participants: Lou ANDERS
A look at Pyr’s upcoming schedule.

Sat 1000 What Editors Want From Artists
Participants: Bob EGGLETON, Jennie FARIES, John PICACIO, Karen HABER, Lou ANDERS
Is it realism? A particular color? Many editors return to the same artists again and again. What sets these paragons apart? Style? Originality? A distinctive look or varied approach? Reliable telepathy? (Oh, and must the artist read the story, or what?)

Sat 1100 Kaffeeklatsche
Participants: Lou ANDERS

Sat 1300 Autographs
Participants: Lou ANDERS

Sat 1400 SF Tribes? The New Communities in Internet Society.
Participants: Lou ANDERS, Mark L. VAN NAME, Yoshio KOBAYASHI
Our community has grown so big, we have many small cabals, each of which cares nothing for the others. Through the Internet, blogging and e-mails our ties are strengthened and old community values wear thin, as proved by Hurricane Katrina. Any connection there?

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Crooked Contest @ Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist

A contest to win one of two copies of Sean Williams’s The Crooked Letter, first volume of his Books of the Cataclysm series, starts today on Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist. Here are the details. Good luck!

Pat says, “Pyr books are gradually making a very good name for themselves, with many of their releases pleasing fans and reviewers alike. As such, Pyr books are a welcome addition to the speculative fiction publishing world. Sean Williams’ The Crooked Letter was brought to my attention by a number of positive reviews. To all ends and purposes, this novel appears to be something else, something special.”

Well, we certainly agree. Sean’s fantasy is quite extraordinary. As Hal Duncan (author of Vellum), has said, “Williams’s mix of grand metaphysical vision, weird landscapes and wild adventure makes for a great read, but it’s the deeply human story at the heart of The Crooked Letter that really makes it something wonderful.”

Meanwhile, Sean has uploaded some very fun photos from the World Science Fiction Convention, including shots of his visit to see Gary Numan playing at the House of Blues, the author of several Star Wars novels with a group of Stormtroopers, and this shot of Sean and Garth Nix in the Batmobile.

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