The Stormcaller

Nuts & Bolts: Tom Lloyd

Genreville’s Rose Fox posts Nuts & Bolts: Tom Lloyd today. This interview with the author of The Twilight Heraldwas conducted back when his first novel, The Stormcaller,was just coming out, so we are very glad to see it finally posted.

Here’s a taste: “The idea evolved over several years. I’d had the first scene stuck in my head for a while, a dream originally, so it was the natural start for the book, but I didn’t actually have a plot to begin with. When I started writing I just started sketching out ideas for the world and how I’d like it to be populated. I’ve always loved the quarrelsome gods of Norse mythology and decided that I wanted more involvement from gods than most books I’d read.”

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Today: a Shifting Balance of Power on a Global Level

No, I’m not talking about the election (though I’m off to vote just as soon as I blog this). What I am on about – over on Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, there’s a great interview with Tom Lloyd, author of the just-released-and-kickin’-butt The Stormcaller: Book One of the Twilight Reignseries.

Tom says:

Stormcaller is, at its heart, a story about a shifting balance of power on a global level. For various reasons, the object intended to engineer this change is a young man called Isak, who is thrown into events and expected to sink or swim. All the plans that have been building over the past years and centuries are about to bear fruit and Isak is going to find all of this being played out around him. In plot terms, each of the Seven Tribes of Man are ruled by white-eyes, divinely blessed warriors with bulging muscles and a nasty temper. Isak is raised from poverty to the post of heir-elect of one of the most powerful tribes and soon realises that this isn’t even the most dramatic or terrifying of the changes planned for his life.”

And while we’re on the subject of (ahem) changes, you can see the US version of the cover of book two, The Twilight Herald, (ahem) changed from the UK, on Amazon now. Both US covers are from the amazing Todd Lockwood, whose company I just enjoyed in Calgary this past weekend, where he was Artist Guest of Honor at the World Fantasy Convention. As nice a fellow as he is good a painter.

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Todd Lockwood’s The Stormcaller, From Sketch to Finish

Over on, art director Irene Gallo has just posted “Todd Lockwood’s Stormcaller, from Sketch to Finish” a very in-depth breakdown of the evolution of the cover for our forthcoming title, The Stormcaller: Book One of the Twilight Reign,by Tom Lloyd. With quotes from Yours Truly and a LOT of commentary from Lockwood himself, and 20 different sketches, roughs and detailed close-ups, the post is well worth checking out.

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The Stormcaller – Free Online Reading

Check out this enormous excerpt from the soon-to-be-released fantasy epic, The Stormcaller: Book One of the Twilight Reignby Tom Lloyd.

I am really excited about this book. I’m not the only one:

“Magical creatures and high speed action scenes… packed with detail without being too heavy. The Stormcaller shows how high the bar has been raised with its sheer vision and inventiveness.” —SFX

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Heard Round the Web

David Louis Edelman is blogging about the publication of MultiReal in a series of posts. He shows off how it looks alongside the just-released Solaris mass-market of Infoquake in a post here. Also of interest, a post in which he decries attacks on Cory Doctorow for basically having ” a big megaphone, and … using it.” As Dave says, “That twentieth century paradigm of advertising and promotion? You know, the paradigm where the content sits on one side of the page, and the advertisements sit on the other side of the page, and there’s a nice clear line separating the two? That paradigm’s dead. We live in an Information Age, as Boomer journalists are fond of reminding us. It’s not about selling widgets in exchange for greenbacks you can put in your pocket anymore. It’s about pushing ideas into the deep end of the swimming pool of public discourse and letting them swim. If you’ve got great ideas and you spread them around effectively, you’re gaining currency. So there’s no more hard separation; the idea and the promotion of the idea have become in many ways one and the same thing.”

Meanwhile, Tom Lloyd, whose grim and gritty epic fantasy, The Stormcaller: Book One of the Twilight Reign,we’ll be releasing in October, has a new website. Bear in mind it’s still being tweaked and be sure to check out the new discussion forum.

Elsewhere, I’ve found myself drawn into an interesting discussion of “Can Hollywood Make a Good Hard SF Film?” over at Solar Flare: Science Fiction News. For the record, I think so, even if it’s the exception, not the rule.

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