Silver Screen

Pyr Arrives on the Kindle

That’s right. After what for me has been an interminably long period of “hurry up and wait,” I woke up this morning to discover that our very first Pyr Kindle books have miraculously appeared. Five titles are available for download in the Kindle store. Oddly, it contains a second book in a series and a third book in a series, but I think these are just the first few to appear. There are a lot more coming in back of this, and the conversion process is on Amazon’s end, so I expect we’ll see more pop up in the near future as they get to them (and I’ll report here as I see them.) Meanwhile, many will be happy to learn that the often-requested Infoquake is in this first list of offerings.

The books:

Silver Screen

Starship: Pirate

Going Under (Quantum Gravity, Book 3)

Infoquake (Volume I of the Jump 225 trilogy)

Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge

Pyr Arrives on the Kindle Read More »

Justina in the NYRSF

The New York Review of Science Fiction, August 2006 issue, has this to say about Justina Robson’s Silver Screen:

“The major strength of Silver Screen is its central character, Anjuli. She is short and cubby, sure that her only talent is her eidetic memory, that she is otherwise unworthy of her role in AI research and her position among her friends. Yet, as Beckett might say, she goes on. Her confusion and insecurity make her determination more interesting than any glamour or daring would, and the novel’s focus on this character, rounded in more ways than her figure, gives it a heft that solidifies its exploration of alternate intelligences.”

Which, I think, is what makes Justina Robson’s writing so wonderful – hard SF, well crafted female characters, and, as New York Times reviewer David Itzkoff recently commented about another of her books, “the first thing a reader notices about her work is the exquisite precision and thoughtfulness of her writing.”

Justina in the NYRSF Read More »

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