
Dragon Age! Dragon Book!


It’s far beyond the capabilities of my feeble attention span to note how well a book is doing in sales, but I’m assuming The Dragon Book is doing well. It got quite a nice review from our friends at The Book Smugglers. Those ladies know what they’re talking about, sirs and madames. Perhaps you should give it a try based on that?

Further, check out their review of Humane Killer by yours truly and some other author. “Weirdest characters ever?” Fwah!

Now, on to the serious matter of video games.

Everyone who’s going to has probably picked up Dragon Age: Origins by now, yes? If not, I’d wholly recommend it. It’s a Bioware game, closer to classics such as Baldur’s Gate than newer ones such as Mass Effect (but that was a good’un, too). Thus far, it’s been quite appealing.

In a market where characterization is basically boiled down to dimwits who believe everything they’re told, this game is pretty refreshing for the sheer amount of personality in characters. Further, it’s a “dark,” “mature” (and dare I suggest…gritty?) game, so the characters are varying amounts of sarcasm, cynicism, lust and vulnerability. Quite good. As controls go, it’s standard Bioware target and stab until dead (though I’m told shit gets real later).

My sole grievance thus far is…who the hell was in charge of designing the schemers and traitors? The whole point of being a traitor is that no one knows you’re helping the enemy until it’s too late. Yet we see people with sunken eyes, cold metal armor and greasy black hair and we’re supposed to think this guy is on our side? I think the most insulting part thus far has been a traitor with a hook nose, whiny voice, shady story, voiced by TIM GOD DAMN CURRY. When has he ever played a good guy!?

I’m not at all suggesting that there can’t be traitors or turncoats in a story (in fact, they usually make it better), but I find it slightly unbelievable that they can’t figure out how to dress by this point. Protip to anyone wanting to become a traitor in a fantasy story: dress in bright colors, get a tan, bathe every day, say lots of inspiring things.

No one will ever see it coming.

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Welcome to this God damned blog!


If you’re here, you no doubt know that all proper authors have a website for purposes of proportionate promotion and promiscuity. Ergo, I, being a filthy deviant, have nothing quite so awesome to show you at the moment. Rest assured, though, that such a website is coming, in due time, and when it arrives you will lose your freaking shiz all over the place.

Until that time, though, please glut yourself with all things Sam Sykes-related at this blog. I can personally guarantee you, on pain of someone else’s death, that all things book, author and opinion-related can and will be found on this blog until we can get something better out.

Mighty Webmaster Matt is working on it as we speak. Bear with us!

With great love comes great apologies,
Sam Sykes

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