
MultiReal: Resonates With Past Classics

This Sci Fi Weekly review of David Louis Edelman’s MultiReal,written by the uber-knowledgeable Paul Di Filippo, (whose group blog Weird Universe just launched, btw), not only gives the book an A grade, but name checks a host of science fiction greats. Di Filippo suggests that MultiReal fits in nicely with the works of such giants as A.E. van Vogt, Robert Heinlein, John Brunner, Frank Herbert, Norman Spinrad, Bruce Sterling, Charles Stross, Cory Doctorow, Greg Egan and Alfred Bester. As he says, “The strongest overall vibe I get is that of Alfred Bester…Bester is much admired verbally, but very few authors really try to emulate him in print—he set the bar so high—and Edelman’s success is commensurate with his ambitions.”

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Edelman Interview

There’s an interview up with MultiRealauthor David Louis Edelman online at both Mike Brotherton’s blog and Simon Haynes’ blog.

Well worth checking out. Meanwhile, here’s an excerpt, apropos in light of my earlier post on conflating an author with his/her protagonist:

The political factions in the Jump 225 trilogy are divided between governmentalists and libertarians. If you were a character in the books, which would you be?

A lot of people who’ve read Infoquake assumed that my sympathies lie with the libertarians, because that’s where Natch’s sympathy lies. But I’m definitely more conflicted in my politics. I like to pick and choose among the different parties and philosophies. I have some definite liberal tendencies but a number of conservative ones as well.

You’ll discover in MultiReal that the political situation is much more nuanced than Natch makes it out to be in Infoquake. The central government, which really seems like the epitome of evil in Infoquake, is a conflicted organization itself with some do-gooders working in the fringes. And the libertarians are full of self-interested schemers who’ll stab you in the back.

Update 7/09/08: John Joseph Adams conducts another interview with Edelman over on the SciFi Channel’s Sci Fi Wire:

“In Infoquake, our hero, Natch, managed to connive his way into co-owning this mysterious new technology called MultiReal. Now, in the sequel, this all-powerful government agency called the Defense and Wellness Council decides that MultiReal is too dangerous to be left to an unscrupulous businessman, so they come after him with both barrels.”

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Has It Really Been So Long Since "Who Shot JR" ?

The latest issue of Locus magazine has a review of David Louis Edelman’s just-released MultiReal,chocked full of good and quotable things like:

“As SF, it’s a brilliant imagining of a near-future that not only extrapolates convincingly from current technology and culture but fills in the gaps with world-building so detailed as to verge on the tedious.”


“Others have imagined a future in which nano-machines have colonized the human body, …but few have done so as convincingly as Edelman does in these books.”


‘Others have also focused on the business side of SF, …but I’ve never encountered an SF writer whose focus is so relentlessly on the nuts and bolts of the entrepreneurial world, from the boardroom to the factory to the sales office, and who—pontification aside—can make the minutiae of that world seem as exciting and dangerous as a military operation.”

But the reviewer does seem to have tripped up on the idea that because Dave’s character Natch is the protagonist that he is being held up as a laudable individual. As witness:

“I have no doubt that others will be enamored of a novel in which the main character is frequently referred to as ‘the entrepreneur,’ as if there were no higher accolade available, and no one else worthy to bear it. Whenever I came across this descriptor, I simply replaced it with ‘the demigod’ and read on.”

Mind you, I’m not arguing with the review – because it’s always a bad idea to contest someone else’s subjective opinion – and I’m plenty happy with the quotables above. I’m just interested in the notion of protagonist as role model because a few other people came away with similar sentiments from the first book. (I myself worked for someone very much like Natch once upon a time, and so had no trouble recognizing exactly what he was.) But I find myself wondering why we seem to have such a hard time with flawed protagonists in SF. Our sister genre, mystery, is practically built on the adventures of broken human beings you might want on your case but wouldn’t necessarily enjoy having a beer with, loaning money to, or dating.

Anyway, I find this amusing, given that Dave himself just compared Natch to Adolph Hitler here in his post on John Scalzi’s Whatever blog author spotlight, The Big Idea.

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MultiReal: A Matrix fans delight!

Over at Grasping at the Wind, John reviews David Louis Edelman’s just-released MultiReal, which he proclaims, “an exciting and excellent sequel. There are many twisted and convoluted plot lines, and the web being spun around Natch is drawn ever tighter. As a good second book in a trilogy should do, it leaves us on a cliffhanger, wondering at the success or failure of its heroes.”

John is also the second reviewer to suggest that Edelman beats middle-book-of-a-trilogy syndrome, as he says, ” This is one of those rare cases (like The Empire Strikes Back vs. A New Hope) where the second movie far surpasses the first in quality and level of enjoyment. Fans of stories that mix philosophy and ethics, with action and technology will enjoy Edelman’s works.”

And who can balk at the final sentiment here: “It is a Matrix fans’ delight, and a worthy successor to Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game. I highly recommend Edelman as an author, and suggest you read Infoquake and its sequel MultiReal if you are looking for high-octane action, deep thinking, and eloquent writing.

MultiReal: A Matrix fans delight! Read More »

The Latest from Edelman

David Louis Edelman is funnier than I could ever be:

David Louis Edelman

David Louis Edelman

Writing News: May 2008

Something different, you say? No, there’s nothing different about this newsletter… why do you ask?

Okay, yes, there is something different. I’ve redesigned the newsletter to match the new look and feel of my personal website. The link for which is now very prominently displayed at the top of the email, along with the address of my blog and my books. Plus I’ve made it very easy for you to order copies of the books on Amazon, just by clicking on the links in the right column. Funny how that capitalism thing works.

(Can’t see anything different? Either you’re not using an HTML email client or you need to click the “Show Images” link or button to see all the pretty colors.)

New Website Designs.

Go ahead, click on those links at the top of the newsletter and browse around. This email will be waiting for you when you get back. My new personal website is a lot more colorful, better organized, and easier to read. And the Infoquake and MultiReal websites now show off the beautiful artwork that (Hugo Award nominee) Stephan Martiniere has provided for the books. In addition, you’ll find the entire first eight chapters of MultiReal up on that website, for the first time anywhere.

Nick Sagan Praises MultiReal.

Nick Sagan, author of Idlewild, Edenborn, and Everfree, screenwriter for Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager, and former child ambassador to the universe on the Voyager Golden Record, has read and blurbed Infoquake and MultiReal. Here’s what the esteemed Mr. Sagan has to say: “David Louis Edelman’s vision of the future is so alive and full of energy the pages are practically buzzing. Wonderfully intricate with smart, satisfying complexity, Infoquake and its sequel MultiReal serve up a world where mindbending technologies promise a freedom nearly as endless as the Machiavellian ambitions of those who would control them.” That rocks, no?

Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist: Infoquake “One of the
Very Best SF Debuts I Have Ever Read.”

Pat of Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist has given Infoquake the kind of rave review that every author wants to get. “David Louis Edelman’s Infoquake just might be one of the very best science fiction debuts I have ever read,” says Pat. “The book deserves all the praise it has garnered, and then some!” It just goes on from there. (And FYI, Pat is also hosting a giveaway contest for copies of the mass market paperback. I don’t know when it ends, so if you’re interested, you’d better hurry…)

More Audio Podcasts Available.

I intended to finish podcasting the first seven chapters of Infoquake about two years ago, when the book was first released in trade paperback. For one reason or another, I only got up to chapter 4. I blame it on the cocaine, or the Extended Edition of The Fellowship of the Ring, or perhaps Martians. But now I’ve posted MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and Windows Media audio versions of the first seven chapters of Infoquake, plus the first five chapters of MultiReal. All read by yours truly. Go to the Infoquake audio page and the MultiReal audio page to download them.

Other Reviews.

The Washington, DC area cable science fiction show Fast Forward reviews Infoquake, saying “As interesting as his world is, it is Edelman’s characters that make this book shine”… Graeme of Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review called my story “Mathralon” one of his two favorites in The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, Volume Two in his review … and Rick Kleffel of The Agony Column talks about (but doesn’t actually review) MultiReal, saying “Edelman’s vision of a corporate future seems ever more relevant as each day goes by.”

Upcoming Appearances.

Balticon — May 23-26 in Hunt Valley, MD
Readercon — July 17-20 in Burlington, MA

Don’t forget: the Solaris mass market edition of Infoquake comes out next month! (I’ve already received my first copy; See my blog for a peek at it.) And then in July, the Pyr edition of MultiReal hits the stands. So keep your eyes peeled and prepare your mind to be utterly blown. To quote the Zen philosopher Keanu Reeves: Whoa.

Towards Perfection,
David Louis Edelman

Infoquake cover

MultiReal cover

Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, Volume 2
The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, Volume 2

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The Latest from David Louis Edelman

David Louis Edelman’s latest newsletter, too funny & informative not to repurpose as a Pyr blog entry:


There’s a convergence of astral forces in the air… a locus of spiritual energies… a crossroads in the galaxy where Ebb and Flow meet. The buzzer has sounded, it’s a tie game, and the universe has gone into quantum harmonic electro-mega overtime.

What’s causing all this? Why, it’s the imminent release of MultiReal and the re-release of Infoquake, of course! We’re a scant few months away from what I am now officially labeling the Summer of Jump 225. Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it as the Summer of Love, but these things take time to build.

Very, very soon I’ll have new websites, new reviews, new appearances, and the like to report. But in the meantime, here’s all the David Louis Edelman writing news that’s fit to, uh, type.

  • John W. Campbell Nomination for Best New Writer.
    Yes, it happened! Thanks to all your efforts, I’m now a finalist for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in science fiction and fantasy. The other nominees: Scott Lynch, Joe Abercrombie, Mary Robinette Kowal, Jon Armstrong, and David Anthony Durham. The winner is voted by Worldcon members and will be announced (along with the rest of the Hugo awards) this August at the Denver Worldcon. (You’ll be pleased to know that my editor, Lou Anders, is up for a Hugo this year as well.)
  • MultiReal Chapters 1-5 Available Online in the Pyr Sampler.
    My publisher, Pyr, has released a 326-page sampler of its upcoming titles. Included in the sampler are the first five chapters of MultiReal, available for the first time anywhere. Download the whole sampler from Pyr (Adobe Acrobat 3.5 MB file) and then head over to my blog to tell me what you think of it.
  • My Story “Mathralon” Now Available.
    My first, and so far only, completed science fiction short story has been published and is now available in The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, Volume 2. It’s called “Mathralon,” and it’s a story about economically oppressed space miners told without plot, characters, or dialogue from a Greek chorus point of view. The UK Guardian singled “Mathralon” out as one of the standouts in the collection, calling it “a deliberately dry, unconventionally narrated account of the mining of a rare mineral, a story on a galactic scale which only serves to show what very small worlds we inhabit.” Intrigued, you say? Go thou forth and order the anthology on Amazon. Solaris was kind enough to allow me to publish “Mathralon” for free on my website as well. You can read the entire story here and read an introduction on my blog as well.
  • Robert Sawyer Praises MultiReal.
    Rob Sawyer, author of too many acclaimed novels to list here (including this year’s Hugo nominee for Best Novel, Rollback), has given an advance blurb for MultiReal. Here’s what Rob has to say: “Just when we thought cyberpunk was dead, David Louis Edelman bursts on the scene with defibrillator paddles and shouts, ‘Clear!’ If there’s any web more tangled than the World Wide one, it’s the Byzantine networks of high finance; Edelman intermeshes them in a complex, compelling series. This DOES compute!”
  • My Introduction to Titus Alone Now Available.
    Overlook Press has just reissued Mervyn Peake’s 1959 novel Titus Alone, the third in the classic Gormenghast Trilogy. Gracing the opening pages is a new introduction by Yours Truly. The gist of it? Despite what you may have heard, Mervyn Peake’s last novel is not the product of a deteriorating mind, but a vibrant counterpoint to the first two books in the series. Go order Titus Alone on Amazon. Overlook Press has also graciously allowed me to post the introduction in full on my blog.
  • I’m on Wikipedia.
    The gods of communal knowledge have seen fit to provide me with my own Wikipedia page, which makes me happy out of all proportion to the actual achievement itself. I actually had Wikipedia pages before, twice, both of which were almost instantly taken down by the Powers That Wiki. So you might want to see the page before someone decides I’m not important enough to merit it.
  • MultiReal and Infoquake Available for Pre-Order.
    Just in case you weren’t already aware, you can pre-order MultiReal and Infoquake on Amazon, among other places.

Coming very, very soon: brand spankin’ new redesigned websites for me as well as for Infoquake and MultiReal.

Towards Perfection,
David Louis Edelman

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Edelman on DC and in DC

David Louis Edelman is the guest-blogger today on John Scalzi’s Whatever, for day fifteen of his “Month of Writers.” Scalzi is inviting authors who blog to post their favorite entry from 2007, and Edelman’s is his piece on what the Bourne Identity films tell us about America and American politics (which originally appeared on Dave’s blog here.) This happens to be my favorite post from Edelman to date as well, not the least for its contrasting of James Bond and Jason Bourne.

Meanwhile, Dave has let me know that he is going to be part of the Library of Congress’ “What If… Science Fiction and Fantasy Forums” series, appearing on February 21, 2008.

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