Mike Resnick

On the Road: Kenyon, Latner, Moorcock, and Resnick

A quick round-up of where to author appearances:

Kay Kenyon (Bright of the Sky, A World Too Near)

Feb. 15-17Radcon/Pasco, WA
Feb 29-Mar 2 ConDor/ San Diego, CA
Mar 13- 16 OmegaCon/ Birmingham, AL
July 17 – 20Readercon/ Burlington MA
October 30 – Nov 2 World Fantasy/ Calgary, AB Canada

Alexis Glynn Latner (Hurricane Moon)

Jan. 2 Bay Area Writers’ League/Clear Lake City, TX appearance as speaker
Feb. 28 Fondren Library/Houston, TX
Apr. 25-27 Nebula Awards/Austin, TX
Jun. 27-29 ApolloCon/Houston, TX
Aug. 15-17 ArmadilloCon/Austin, TX

Michael Moorcock (
The Metatemporal Detective)

Dec. 8 Book People/Austin, TX 3 pm featuring Moorcock and Illustrator John Picacio

Mike Resnick (Starship: Mercenary, Starship: Mutiny; Starship: Pirate; New Dreams for Old; Ivory)

Jan. 18-20 ConFusion/Flint, MI
Jan. 25-27 CoSine/Colorado Springs, CO
Feb. 14-17 CapriCon/Chicago, IL
Mar. 14-16 OmegaCon/Birmingham, AL
May 30-Jun. 1 ConCarolinas/Charlotte, NC
Jun. 26-29 Midwestcon/Cincinnati, OH
Aug. 6-10 Worldcon/Denver, CO
Oct. 2008 ConStellation/Huntsville, AL Mike will be the Toastmaster

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Ivory: A Lament for the Disintegration of Distinctive Cultures

Lee Clarke Zumpe praises Mike Resnick’s Ivory: A Legend of Past and Futurein the Tampa Bay Newspapers Online Edition. Lee begins by proclaiming that “The name Mike Resnick may not be as familiar as, say, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Silverberg, Ursula K. Le Guin or Harlan Ellison, but it should be,” and then goes on to justify this claim.

Lee goes on to talk about the stories-within-the-story, and then nails what I personally love about the book by saying, “ While the individual accounts of the warlord, the thief, the curator and the others who play a role in the history of the tusks display the appealing escapism of classic science fiction, the novel has an overriding melancholy about it that underscores the tragedy of post-colonialism and vanishing heritage. Resnick’s subtle theme of conservationism encompasses not only the flora and fauna of this planet, but the distinctive cultures of its varied ethnic groups – particularly those of Africa.”

Ivory: A Lament for the Disintegration of Distinctive Cultures Read More »

A Storytelling Machine

John DeNardo posts his SFSignal Review of Mike Resnick’s Ivory: A Legend of Past and Future.He gives it a full five stars and says, “These are the kinds of well-told stories that make reading such a pleasure… Masterful storytelling; realistic characters; wonderful dialogue.” He calls Mike “a storytelling machine” and Ivory “a thoroughly engaging read.” John compares it to Mike’s Kirinyaga,a book which is among my Top Ten favorite SF Novels of All Time, and I think that’s a good comparison. I felt when I first read Ivory that it made a good companion read with that work, and they certainly look good together on my shelf.

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Ivory: Gamblers, Warlords, and Elephants, Oh My!

The Library Journal has just given Mike Resnick’s Ivory: A Legend of Past and Futurea starred review. They say the novel, about a search across time and space for the tusks of the legendary Kilimanjaro elephant, “plays to his greatest strengths–as a raconteur without peer, capable of weaving together a series of linked stories into a seamless whole, and as a compassionate and thoughtful observer of the human condition. Peopled with gamblers, warlords, artists, and politicians and overseen by the shadow of the enormous creature who once ruled the grasslands of Africa… highly recommended for all sf collections.”

Ivory: Gamblers, Warlords, and Elephants, Oh My! Read More »

Mike Resnick: Live on Planet Earth

One year of Mike Resnick on the road:

DragonCon (Atlanta, GA.) – August 30-September 3, 2007
ConText (Columbus, OH.) – September 28-30, 2007
WindyCon (Chicago, IL.) – November 9-11, 2007
ConFusion (Flint, MI.) – January 18-20, 2008
CoSine (Colorado Springs, CO.) – January 25-27, 2008
CapriCon (Chicago, IL.) – February 14-17, 2008
OmegaCon (Birmingham, AL.) – March 14-16, 2008
ConCarolinas (Charlotte, NC.) – May 30-June 1, 2008
Midwestcon (Cincinnati, OH.) – June 26-June 29, 2008
WorldCon (Denver, CO.) – August 6-10, 2008

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The Future And You

Mike Resnick is one of several authors podcast on the latest edition of The Future and You. He talks about the condition of present day Africa, the state of science fiction magazines, his experiences as an editor, the lack of respect for comedic SF and many more topics besides. Also in the podcast, Kim Stanley Robinson, Elizabeth Bear, Dave Freer, Paul Levinson and others.

Of course, those wanting a taste of Mike’s fictional Africa can always look here.

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