
Heliotrope # 5: Michael Moorcock Tribute

Issue # 5 of Helioptrope is out. It’s available online and as a downloadable PDF, and is entirely devoted to the genius of Michael Moorcock. It opens with Neil Gaiman’s “One Life, Furnished in Early Moorcock,” and then a piece from Yours Truly, “Michael Moorcock: Behold the Man,” wherein I talk about Mike’s collosal influence on sf&f, “serious” literature, rock and roll, RPG and computer gaming, and quantum physics. Fortunately, Bryan Talbot is onhand to address my one serious omission. He discusses Mike’s colosal influence on comic books in “The Moorcock Effect.” Chris Roberson talks about his personal interactions with Mike the person in “Moorcock the Author, Mike the Man.” Also included are appreciates by Paul S Kemp, Hal Duncan, and Catherynne M. Valente, and Rhys Hughes. There’s a lot of Mike love in the issue, but that’s something there can never be enough of.

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New Scientist: The Future of Science Fiction

The New Scientist is devoting an entire issue to the Future of Science Fiction. They write:

With the death earlier this year of Arthur C Clarke, the last of science fiction’s Golden Age giants, and with mainstream literature becoming increasingly speculative and futuristic, is science fiction as a genre dying out?

We plan to explore this question in a special edition of New Scientist out on 15 November – as well as reviewing the best new science fiction books and talking to some of the world’s leading writers.

They have a page where you can vote for your favorite science fiction book. Naturally, I might have a few suggestions of folks who should be on their radar.

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