Kay Kenyon

How to Do a Book Tour

Kay Kenyon, author of Bright of the Sky, posts some funny but instructive thoughts on How To Do a Book Tour. My favorite? “If you have strangled a spaniel, leave quickly.”

And for those who want to catch her on the road, Kay will be at the following upcoming locations:

May 29 University Book Store/Seattle WA with author Brenda Cooper 7 pm
May 30 Village Books/Bellingham WA 7 pm
May 31 Third Place Books/Lake Forest Park WA with author Toby Bishop (Louise Marley) 7 pm
June 1 Village Books/Bellingham, WA
July 5-8 Readercon/Burlington, MA

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Action Adventure with Depth: Kay Kenyon Podcast

Kay Kenyon talks to Shaun Farrell on this week’s Adventures in SciFi Publishing podcast. They discuss her new novel, Bright of the Sky, which she describes as an action adventure novel with depth. They also talk about how the digital divide may lead to an intelligence divide, and whether the blame for the decrease in SF’s readership lies with readers or writers. As Kay says: “If there’s one thing we learn from science fiction, it’s that the future is not going to be like the past and it’s not going to be like the present.”

(Note for those short of time and/or attention:Kay’s interview begins 6 minutes in.)

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