Kay Kenyon

Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist: 2009 Year-End Awards

Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist has posted their 2009 Year-End Awards. Ian McDonald’s Cyberabad Dayscomes in at #8 in their TOP 10 SPECULATIVE FICTION TITLES OF 2009, while the UK edition of Jasper Kent’s Twelve comes in at #6 and gets “BEST DEBUT” (we’re publishing in 2010. Please wait for it.) Kay Kenyon’s City Without End, just misses the Top Ten at #13. Meanwhile, I’m honored to have gotten the MVP AWARD. Pat writes:

The heart and soul behind the Pyr imprint, this man is pretty damn close to being a genius. Though he’s the head of a smaller publishing house and hence cannot compete financially with the genre powerhouses, Lou Anders always managed to put out a wide array of quality speculative fiction titles every year. He’s like the general manager of a small-market team who always finds a way to get the players he needs for the team to make the playoffs. And with what he and the Pyr crew has in store for 2009 as they celebrate the imprint’s 5th anniversary, this could be Pyr’s biggest year yet! Long live!=)

Probably not a genius. But smart enough not to argue with this.

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Adventuring with Kay Kenyon

I really love listening to articulate authors talk about what they do. One of my favorite interviews in a while is this recent podcast with City without Endauthor Kay Kenyon on Shaun Farrell’s magnificent, recently-returned-from-hiatus Adventures in SciFi Publishing. They discuss “blending science fiction and fantasy tropes, propaganda versus fiction, and assuming the mind of Evil.” Very well worth your valuable time.

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A World Too Near up for 2009 Endeavour Award

I am extremely pleased to report the news that Kay Kenyon’s A World Too Nearis a finalist for the 2009 Endeavour Award!!

The winner will be announced at OryCon, which will be held in Portland November 27-29 (and at which Yours Truly will be attending as an Editor GoH). The winner will receive a grant of $1,000 and an engraved glass plaque.

The Endeavour Award honors a distinguished science fiction or fantasy book written by a writer living in the Pacific Northwest. The judges this year are: Joe Haldeman, John Helfers, and Sarah Zettel.

The other finalists are: Anathem by Neal Stephenson, Ill Met in the Arena by Dave Duncan, Long Walks, Last Flights and Other Stories by Ken Scholes, and Space Magic by David Levine.

Congratulations to all the nominees!

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City Without End: One Hell of a Novel

City without Endis to be admired and appreciated. It is to be enjoyed. City Without End is one hell of a novel. It is better than the A World Too Near,which in turn was better than Bright of the Sky.That would be saying something if the series did not start out strong. Since Bright of the Sky was a strong opening volume, it marks City Without End as something special. Truly, this is a series that demands to be read. Only, be sure to start at the beginning. You don’t want to miss a word.” –Fantasy Magazine, May 7, 2009

You see that there, “demands to be read” ? Now remember when SFRevu said, “This may well be the most ambitious epic science fiction series of the current decade.” That’s it folks. No more excuses.

New Pyr slogan: Got Kenyon?

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Kay Kenyon – Writing the Most Ambitious Epic

From SFRevu:

Kay Kenyon’s epic series, The Entire and the Rose, grows stronger with each new volume. This may well be the most ambitious epic science fiction series of the current decade. While clearly science fiction, the atmosphere and feel of the series has many of the qualities of fantasy and can be enjoyed by readers of that genre who do not like much science fiction…. If you are not already reading this series and you are at all interested in current science fiction, you really should be. Start with the first book, Bright of the Sky. (Ignore the way it seems to jump in the middle as if there was an earlier volume, Kenyon chose to put much of the early history in as flashbacks and information revealed to an amnesiac hero.) There is one book left of this four-book series, Prince of Stormswhich will come out January 2010. I am really looking forward to seeing how Kenyon is able to resolve everything. Very highly recommended.

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One of the Most Fascinating Scifi Series on the Market

From Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist: “With Bright of the Skyand A World Too Near,Kay Kenyon established herself as one of the most underrated science fiction authors out there. In my opinion, The Entire and the Rose is without a doubt one of the most fascinating scifi series on the market today. In City Without End,Kenyon elevates this series to new heights…. Kay Kenyon’s latest is full of surprising twists and turns, and the plot moves forward at a crisp pace. No offense to Peter F. Hamilton and other scifi authors in the middle of ongoing series, but The Entire and the Rose could well be the best game in town right now. I commend this series to your attention. Can’t wait to see how the author will close the show!”

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