
More Love for the Quake

William Lexner, on I Hope I Didn’t Just Give Away the Ending:

Infoquake describes a free-enterprise future that may be the most alarming yet, due to its sheer believability …. David Louis Edelman keeps the action coming at a breakneck pace, and despite the lack of SFnal tropes such as interstellar travel and space battles, Infoquake never lacks in excitement. The politics are fascinating, and the day-to-day juggling performed by corporate officers have never been so interesting …. The historical background mapped out by Edelman in the multiple appendices, along with the timelines provided show a world as rich with history as our own, and only rivaled in speculative fiction by J.R.R. Tolkien and perhaps George R.R. Martin. As a softcover first edition, Infoquake seems an obvious frontrunner in the race to win this years Philip K. Dick Award.”

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John Scalzi Interviews David Louis Edelman

Noted author and blogger John Scalzi (he of Old Man’s War and the Ghost Brigades) interviews David Louis Edelman, author of Infoquake, on his AOL blog By the Way. While talking about writing the future of business, Edelman says:

“The thing to remember about predicting the future is that human nature doesn’t change. We’re still the same people that Adam Smith wrote about. We’re still the same people that Shakespeare wrote about. In fact, as Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke pointed out in 2001, we really haven’t changed much since that first dude figured out how to hit the other dude on the head with a bone. In some ways, all of human history is just one long story about two groups squabbling over limited resources.”

Read the whole interview here, and be sure to stop by David’s Infoquake page, where he offers chapter excerpts, podcasts, and numerous background articles about the world of the novel, several of them exclusive to the website. Also see the new group blog Deep Genre, of which Edelman is a founding member.

Update: Rick Kleffel has just published his review of Infoquake over on the Agony Column:

“…a very solid and satisfying read… Edelman has one hell of a hoot taking high-tech marketing out to draw and quarter it with style and panache. Infoquake is a very funny and insightful novel of modern economics through a futuristic funhouse mirror… Edelman’s future has lots of interesting nods and textures. The kind of virtual life and secondary worlds that have become part-and-parcel of post cyberpunk science fiction are here in layers. …delivers a solid and satisfying science fiction novel.”

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