
Nuts & Bolts: Tom Lloyd

Genreville’s Rose Fox posts Nuts & Bolts: Tom Lloyd today. This interview with the author of The Twilight Heraldwas conducted back when his first novel, The Stormcaller,was just coming out, so we are very glad to see it finally posted.

Here’s a taste: “The idea evolved over several years. I’d had the first scene stuck in my head for a while, a dream originally, so it was the natural start for the book, but I didn’t actually have a plot to begin with. When I started writing I just started sketching out ideas for the world and how I’d like it to be populated. I’ve always loved the quarrelsome gods of Norse mythology and decided that I wanted more involvement from gods than most books I’d read.”

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Genreville: Ask a Publicist

Over at Genreville, PW‘s Rose Fox’s latest Ask a Publicist column asks, “What Are the Publicity Advantages and Disadvantages of Your Company’s Size and Position in the Market?” Our own Jill Maxick kicks off the comments, but there are also responses from Gavin Grant (Small Beer), Corinda Carfora (Baen), Vincent W. Rospond (BL Publishing/Solaris), William Schafer (Subterranean), Vera Nazarian (Norilana) and others.

Here’s a sample of Jill’s response:

As a small to midsize press, it may be easier for us to establish a unique identity and brand (for many reasons: easier to maintain consistency and control; people tend to be more comfortable being fans of boutique operations rather than multinational conglomerates; etc.). There’s less bureaucracy to deal with when making decisions or brainstorming ideas.

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