Feast Your Eyes On This: Bright of the Sky

Am I allowed to have a favorite cover? If so, this could quite possibly be it. Stephan Martiniere’s latest, with design by Jacqueline Cooke. This is Bright of the Sky, the first book in Kay Kenyon’s exciting sci-fantasy quartet The Entire and the Rose. Kay, long recognized for her excellent world-building, has outdone herself with a tale of Titus Quinn, a human space pilot thrust into a pocket landscape called “the Universe Entire,” ruled by an oppressive Overlord race and peopled with multiple bizarre creatures. Bright of the Sky is high adventure & high concept, in the vein of Dan Simmons Hyperion or Philip José Farmer’s Riverworld. The world has a somewhat Mandarin flavor, and sits right between science fiction and fantasy – all of which Stephan captures brilliantly. The book is due out from Pyr in April, 2007.

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