Book Expo America

Book Expo America 2007

We’re back, and reasonably rested, from Book Expo America 2007. Was an incredible weekend in New York City, and one that – what with hanging out with Jim Minz, Irene Gallo, Chris Roberson, George Mann, Gail Z. Martin, Ellen Datlow, Gavin Grant, Kelly Link, Liz Gorinsky, Andrew Wheeler and many more – felt a good deal more like a science fiction convention than a publishing trade show.

Pictured here on the right is the Prometheus Books booth, featuring as you can see stacks of arcs of both forthcoming Pyr fantasy title, Joe Abercrombie’s The Blade Itself and parent company Aine Collier’s The Humble Little Condom: A History. Prophylactics in matchbox-sized packages displaying the cover were also given out. As were t-shirts advertising Nothing: Something to Believe in by the wonderful Nica Lalli.

Meanwhile, Pictured left, Prometheus President Jon Kurtz in another shot of our booth. And left is Yours Truly, photo courtesy of Irene Gallo, standing in front of posters of The Blade Itself, Ian McDonald’s Quill Award nominated Brasyl, and – tantalizingly blocked in the photo – the US cover for Selling Out (Quantum Gravity, Book 2), sequel to Justina Robson’s wildly successful sci-fantasy Keeping It Real.

BEA is lived on your feet, fueled by Starbucks, and endured by great conversations, great people, and in the evenings – great food (thanks, George!). All told, it was probably the best BEA show I’ve personally ever attended. Wonderful to see everyone and apologies to those I missed!

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Book Expo America

Pyr will be at Book Expo America next weekend, from May 31st to June 3rd, at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York. We’ll be in parent company Prometheus Books’ booth, # 4532, and, FYI, its possible we’ll only be listed in the program as “Prometheus Books.” I’ll only be there Friday and Saturday myself, but attendees will want to stop by and pick up the exclusive Part One galley we’ve made for Joe Abercrombie’s The Blade Itself. Oh, and while we’re on the subject, check out the subtly different US cover.

Other Prometheus freebies include t-shirts, books and buttons, and in addition to The Blade Itself, they’ll be featuring their titles Nothing: Something to Believe in by Nica Lalli, Evil Genes: Why Rome Fell, Hitler Rose, Enron Failed and My Sister Stole My Mother’s Boyfriend by Barbara Oakley, and something tantalizingly titled The Humble Little Condom: A History by Aine Collier.

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