Justina Robson on Keeping It Real

As I reported earlier, writer/co-executive producer of Stargate: Atlantis Joseph Mallozzi featured Justina Robson’s Keeping It Realon his blog’s book club discussion. I’m a few days late on gettting the link up, but Justina has now answered, indepthly, all his readers questions. The full interview is up here. And here’s one of my favorite bits:

The demons and devils were really refreshing to work on for me. I’ve been a Christian fundamentalist of a kind in my youth, and an occult student, and a devotee of all things theological and then I discarded formal approaches and religions altogether for a kind of atheism and went on a more personal kind of spiritual quest, which I am still on. But I used to have very fixed ideas and literal notions of all kinds of things and being able to finally sift through all that and find my version of what the truth is was just tremendously exciting and liberating. Of course it’s just my version and although I’m passionate about writing this stuff and feeling it’s true I know it’s only a way of seeing things. Hence the book’s title.

And, of course, the third book in the Quantum Gravity series, Going Under,was just recently released. You can read a substantial excerpt on our new sample pages site here.

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Shatner on the "Machine Where You Suck in the Air with the Molecules"

Via SFSignal. On the one hand, I’m disturbed (though not surprised) that Shatner doesn’t seem to know what the teleporter is called. On the other hand, he makes a good point. The fact is, Star Trek has to ignore half the implications of its teleporter/replicator technology for the sake of drama, because the truth is that it would eliminate death entirely in just the way he understands.

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The Stormcaller – Free Online Reading

Check out this enormous excerpt from the soon-to-be-released fantasy epic, The Stormcaller: Book One of the Twilight Reignby Tom Lloyd.

I am really excited about this book. I’m not the only one:

“Magical creatures and high speed action scenes… packed with detail without being too heavy. The Stormcaller shows how high the bar has been raised with its sheer vision and inventiveness.” —SFX

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David Louis Edelman Reading Tonight

The Barnes & Noble in the Spectrum Center in Reston, Virginia will be hosting David Louis Edelman tonight, Wednesday, September 17 at 7:00 pm. He’ll be reading from and signing copies of MultiReal.Come on by if you are in the area! The store is at 1851 Fountain Drive, Reston, VA 20190, phone number 703-437-9490.

Check out the recent praise for MultiReal:

  • io9: “I’m in it for the long haul, because it feels like Edelman is writing about real people and real issues, in a thrilling, engaging way. And that’s rarer than it should be.”
  • Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist: “This is one sequel that delivers! No middle book syndrome for David Louis Edelman… The Jump 225 trilogy remains one of the very best ongoing science fiction series on the market.”
  • Bookgasm: “Infoquake’s strengths have carried over to its sequel… With Infoquake and MultiReal, [Edelman]’s got new archetypes aplenty, and he doesn’t need old tropes to slow him down.”
  • Chicago Center for Literature and Photography: “(Rating: 8.8 out of 10) This is a series that genre fans will definitely want to check out, and an individual chapter here that could very well garner a Hugo nomination next year.”
  • Through a Glass, Darkly: “Even for a reader who loves laser battles and big explosions, MultiReal still comes across as extremely satisfying and fun.”
  • Death Ray Magazine (not online): “A mix of cyberpunk and The Wall Street Journal… Where Edelman does excel, and the true focus of the book, is exploring the economics and political powers behind new technologies, their development and routes to market and the social and moral implications of such advancements.”

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Joe Mallozzi is Keeping It Real

Stargate: Atlantis executive producer Joseph Mallozzi is Keeping It Real. Or rather, he’s open for questions for this month’s selection in his book discussion group, Justina Robson’s Keeping It Real.Justina herself will be stopping by later to answer his readers questions. Meanwhile, he describes the book as:

“It’s a fun read that pokes fun at fantasy tropes and certain genre-specific narrative conventions while also offering up a cast of colorful, nicely-developed characters… Our protagonist Lila Black is particularly well-drawn and sympathetic, a woman struggling to reconcile herself to a tough post-traumatic existence. Her inevitable encounter with the elf who nearly killed her, and the ensuing sacrifice that neatly parallels her past ordeal, is surprisingly poignant. Inventive in its world-building, engaging in its humorous, fast-paced narrative, Keeping It Real is a promising start to the Quantum Gravity series.”

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Sean Williams’ Advice to New Writers

I always knew Sean Williams could write. I didn’t know he could speak. Sean recently gave an address to the winners of the Writers of the Future contest, and Shaun Farrell, of Adventures in SciFi Publishing, was there to record his speech and interview Sean afterwards.

Sean’s talk is full of tremendous advice for those just starting out, and his interview covers a range of topics, including his new Star Wars novel, The Force Unleashed. The podcast is available via iTunes but can be accessed directly from the link above. Thanks to WotF for letting it be recorded and Shaun Farrell for doing so!

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Joe Abercrombie Speaks (again)!

Joe Abercrombie is interviewed by Andrew Brooks on SFRevu,
wherein he says many things about the just-released Last Argument of Kings, and the trilogy it completes, including:

I read a lot of history, and my observation has been that failures, mistakes, and idiocy are frequently much more important in the course of events than successes. I hadn’t seen that much failure and stupidity in fantasy so I was keen to redress the balance. I wanted my characters grimy, flawed, and difficult, as I have observed real people generally to be, so it made sense that my mismatched group of champions should mostly despise each other throughout. A couple learn grudging respect for one member of the team or another, but in the main they hate each other just as much at the end as they did to begin with.

John Berlyne also reviews the book for the site, and says, “The First Law is, I strongly believe, a seminal work of modern fantasy. It is a benchmark sequence that should be regarded as an example of all that is truly great in today’s genre fiction. It stands way above the vast majority of the marketplace, tainted as so many fantasy works are with the lofty and portentous myth cycles bequeathed to us by Tolkien. Instead, Abercombie’s work reflects today’s harsher world within its pages. This is fantasy come of age, a tale for a modern generation, a story for the selfish — for a harder, more self-aware audience, for people who live in today’s litigious, cynical, unforgiving society. You know who you are! Very highly recommended.”

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Two out of Two Anders Agree: MultiReal is Brilliant

In an earlier post, Mark Chadbourn asks “Should Scientists Forget Space?”, citing an article on the UK’s former Chief Scientist, Sir David King, who says that we are in need of a “re-think of priorities in science and technology and a redrawing of our society’s inner attitudes towards science and technology.” Sir King wants us to forgo experiments in space and in CERN in favor of addressing more immediate concerns at him. I’ve already given my opinion in the comments of Mark’s post, but it’s interesting to me to contrast it here with Charlie Jane Anders’ io9.com review of David Louis Edelman’s Infoquakeand MultiReal(books one and two of his Jump 225 trilogy).

Charlie Jane beings the review, which is titled “MultiReal is your antidote to science-bashing scifi,” by saying, “With so much mass-media science fiction featuring anti-science heroes who battle to stop science from “going too far,” it’s great to read a really smart novel about a hero who’s fighting to save scientific progress from being suppressed.” She characterizes the books as being “about the nature of technological progress” and says, “Where MultiReal really shines, however, is in the debates over the ethics of this reality-twisting software. There really is no right answer to the question of how society should deal with software that ‘liberates you from cause and effect,’ and the sequence where Natch’s mentor debates the government’s attorneys is easily my favorite part of both books. It’s a complex issue, and Edelman draws it out enough that you can see how it applies to today’s real-life challenges: should we try to suppress new technologies, should we regulate them heavily? Is it possible to suppress new knowledge after all? Does information really want to be free? It’s a lot more nuanced than the ‘science iz scary OMG’ idea that seems to be popular in media SF right now.

Now, with the understanding that I am generalizing horribly, I think that traditionally a majority of filmic sci-fi is concerned with maintaining the status quo and getting the genies back in the bottles. Something is developed, approaching, on the loose – and its up to the protagonists to stop it. An asteroid is going to hit the earth, aliens are invading, a man has turned himself invisible and is running amok – how do we divert it, repel them, contain him… In other words, there is a threat to consensus reality and by the end of the film or television show, it’s been dealt with and nicely put away. Go on with your lives. Nothing to worry about here.

By contrast, literary science fiction is often set after such an event has already happened, sometimes a good deal after, and throws us in medias res into a world in which part of the fun of the narrative is working out how the world in the tale differs from the world we know and part of the theme lies in examining how these changes act as a lens to illuminate some aspect of humanity that we take for granted. So, an asteroid hit the earth and killed everyone over 18, how do the survivors cope? Aliens invaded and are now our overlords – would you let one date your sister? 1/3 of the population is invisible, what new class of people do they form? The intrusion isn’t repelled, it’s part and parcel of the way things are now going forward. I find this the more honest approach, and underscores on of science fiction’s strengths as the genre that embraces the reality and inevitability of change.

There are, of course, examples of both approaches in both mediums. In fact, one of the (many) failures of The Matrix trilogy is that it began from what I’m calling a more literary position of science fiction and transitioned to the filmic. At the end of the first movie, Neo promises to hang up the phone and, “then I’m going to show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m going to show them a world … without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible.” The goal of the protagonists isn’t to preserve consensual reality, but to destroy it, by ushering in a world where anyone can do the things he can. But instead of this, the subsequent films shift the emphasis radically away from the Matrix (which is never anything more than a set for agents and rebels to play in henceforth) to saving Zion and restoring the status quo of balance between machine and rebel. We never actually deal with another person who still believes in/is imprisoned by the Matrix’s view of reality – and the battle that is fought is all about getting things back to the way they were in the first film. I don’t know why this is, though the best explanation I’ve heard is that 9/11 occurred between the first and second films, forcing Warner to rethink the wisdom of making two more movies staring a group of admitted terrorists out to destroy 1999. (In some ways, V for Vendetta – which was released as public opinion was beginning to change re: the current war and Bush’s approval ratings were dipping, and questioning him was no longer being seen as being unpatriotic – is the film the Wachowski’s should have made out of Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions and didn’t/couldn’t at the time). But I digress…

To bring this back to the Jump 225 trilogy: What I personally love about Edelman is that he sets his story not before (and up to the point) of the radical transformation, nor after (and at a comfortable distance from) the transformation, but that he is actually charting the course through the societal singularity, showing how all the institutions of government, business, and society rearrange, realign, and topple. To an extent, Charlie Stross did this with his brilliant and essential Accelerando (though he moves his action off-world for a good deal of it – which is no criticism, it’s a different animal), but I’ve never personally encountered a work that did such a thorough job and concentrated so much of its focus in taking us through the shift point between paradigms. I think that’s why so many readers say that the future Edelman presents is a “believable” one, and why I think, though he mixes and matches tropes we’ve seen before, his approach is so unique.

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Darkness is Overrated

Paul Cornell is interviewed at io9.com today. He talks about writing for Doctor Who (in the book, webisode and television mediums), Marvel comics (Wisdom, Captain Britain and MI-13, Fantastic Four: True Story), and radio (he’s adapting Iain Banks’ “The State of the Art” for BBC Radio 4).

And he even gets a nice plug in for a few SF anthologies:

So what are you working on now that you’re most excited by?

At the moment, I’m most excited by the fact that I’ve got a story in all three continuing original SF short story anthologies (non-themed, that is). It’s a complicated boast, but I like it. Two of the stories are in a series, the “Jonathan Hamilton” stories, which are in the style of Ian Fleming (the books, not the movies) and are vicious espionage tales set in a world where… well, I know what the difference to history is, but I haven’t told the audience entirely yet. At any rate, the ‘great game’ of political balance in Europe continues, and the great European nations have colonised the solar system, while continuing a delicate cold war against each other.

Those two stories, ‘Catherine Drewe’ and ‘One of our Bastards is Missing’ are in Fast Forward 2from Pyr and the Solaris Book of New SF 3, respectively. The other story, ‘Michael Laurits is: DROWNING’ is in the second Eclipse collection, which is I think is going to be launched at Calgary this year. I love SF short stories, and I’m hoping to get into doing more.

And yeah, “Catherine Drewe” is going to blow you away.

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