
James Enge Interview up at Fantasy Book Critic

James Enge, author of Blood of Ambrose,is interviewed by Mihir Wanchoo at Fantasy Book Critic. The whole interview is well worth checking out, but here’s one of my favorite bits:

I believe that the greatest danger to genre fiction nowadays is not the denial of respect from some notional group of literary tastemakers but the very real likelihood that sf/f may become respectable. Those who thirst for the foamy gray poison of respectability should consider the fate of jazz, once a popular medium, now respectable, ossified and ignored.

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China Miéville in the Wall Street Journal

From the Wall Street Journal:

When skeptics ask him, “How did you get into sci-fi and fantasy?” he has a response. “My answer is: How did you get out of it?” says Mr. Miéville. “Because if you look at a roomful of kids, huge numbers of them will love aliens and monsters and witches…and at a certain point, some of them will start to leave that behind and go on to what they think of — wrongly — as more serious stuff.”


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Fast Forward 2: Awards and Best of’s Round Up

The anthology itself is a Philip K. Dick Award nominee.

Hugo Award nominees:

Best Novella – “True Names” by Benjamin Rosenbaum & Cory Doctorow
Best Novelette – “The Gambler” by Paolo Bacigalupi

Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award nominees:

“True Names” by Benjamin Rosenbaum & Cory Doctorow
“The Gambler” by Paolo Bacigalupi

2009 Locus Award Finalists:

Best Novella: “True Names” by Benjamin Rosenbaum & Cory Doctorow
Best Short Story: “The Kindness of Strangers” by Nancy Kress

The Year’s Best Science Fiction, volume 26, edited by Gardner Dozois:

“The Gambler” by Paolo Bacigalupi
“An Eligible Boy” by Ian McDonald

Year’s Best SF 14, edited by David G. Hartwell & Kathryn Cramer:

“Mitigation” by Tobias Buckell & Karl Schroeder

The Best SF and Fantasy of the Year Vol. 3, edited by Jonathan Strahan:

“The Gambler” by Paolo Bacigalupi

Science Fiction: The Best of the Year, 2009, edited by Rich Horton:

Catherine Drewe” by Paul Cornell

Not too shabby, no?

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For Your Viewing Pleasure: Desolation Road

Cover Illustration © Stephan Martiniere
Design by Jacqueline Cooke

It all began 30 years ago on Mars, with a greenperson. But by the time it all finished, the town of Desolation Road had experienced every conceivable abnormality from Adam Black’s Wonderful Travelling Chataqua and Educational Stravaganza (complete with its very own captive angel) to the Astounding Tatterdemalion Air Bazaar. It’s inhabitants ranged from Dr. Alimantando, the town’s founder and resident genius, to the Babooshka, a barren grandmother who just wants her own child grown in a fruit jar; from Rajendra Das, mechanical hobo who has a mystical way with machines to the Gallacelli brothers, identical triplets who fell in love with and married the same woman.

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Blood of Ambrose is Joe Mallozzi’s Book of the Month for July

Stargate writer/producer, avid reader, and all around great guy Joe Mallozzi has announced his June and July selections for his Book Club reads. For those who don’t know, Joe picks one or more titles a month, invites his many fans to read them along with him, and then invites the authors in for a lengthy Q&A. I had the honor to be the first such guest, but he’s gone on to have scores of authors on, including our own Justina Robson, David Louis Edelman, and Joe Abercrombie, as well as our friend & frequent cover artist John Picacio. Now, he’s chosen James Enge’s Blood of Ambrosefor his July selection, and before that, our friend Michael Moorcock’s Elric: The Stealer of Souls,(the new Del Rey edition with the fabulous interior artwork by John Picacio). Both great choices and I’m excited to see the interviews with both authors. Meanwhile, Enge himself is over the moon to be in the same post with Moorcock. Who wouldn’t be?

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City Without End: One Hell of a Novel

City without Endis to be admired and appreciated. It is to be enjoyed. City Without End is one hell of a novel. It is better than the A World Too Near,which in turn was better than Bright of the Sky.That would be saying something if the series did not start out strong. Since Bright of the Sky was a strong opening volume, it marks City Without End as something special. Truly, this is a series that demands to be read. Only, be sure to start at the beginning. You don’t want to miss a word.” –Fantasy Magazine, May 7, 2009

You see that there, “demands to be read” ? Now remember when SFRevu said, “This may well be the most ambitious epic science fiction series of the current decade.” That’s it folks. No more excuses.

New Pyr slogan: Got Kenyon?

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