For Your Viewing Pleasure: Desolation Road

Cover Illustration © Stephan Martiniere
Design by Jacqueline Cooke

It all began 30 years ago on Mars, with a greenperson. But by the time it all finished, the town of Desolation Road had experienced every conceivable abnormality from Adam Black’s Wonderful Travelling Chataqua and Educational Stravaganza (complete with its very own captive angel) to the Astounding Tatterdemalion Air Bazaar. It’s inhabitants ranged from Dr. Alimantando, the town’s founder and resident genius, to the Babooshka, a barren grandmother who just wants her own child grown in a fruit jar; from Rajendra Das, mechanical hobo who has a mystical way with machines to the Gallacelli brothers, identical triplets who fell in love with and married the same woman.

13 thoughts on “For Your Viewing Pleasure: Desolation Road”

  1. Just checked amazon – delivery date 7/30/09.

    I also just finished The Martian General's Daughter. I wish I could say I liked it, but an actuality, I didn't. It had my dreaded back-&-forth format (present-past-present-past-etc) & it turned out to be a reminiscence (sp). But I am glad I read it.

    I also just ordered Asminov's "Foundation Series," all 7 books, plus his "I, Robot." They'll be here Tuesday.


  2. Christine, I am surprised, truly, but I appreciate you being straight with me. At the very least, I can know you are sincere when you tell me you like so many of the other books we publish!

  3. Yeah, I’ve been trying to figure out exactly why I didn’t like, but I can’t.

    It’s funny. I really thought I’d like this one and I wasn’t at all sure about Blood of Ambrose and Midwinter. And I ended up loving Blood of Ambrose and Midwinter, and not liking this one. So I am surprised also! The book is obviously well-written – I just couldn’t get myself involved in the story.

    The cover however is gorgeous!

  4. I wonder what you’d make of his earlier (non-Pyr) novel,Fitzpatrick’s War. Also, did we talk about Blood of Ambrose since you read it?

  5. I’ll have to pick up Fitzpatrick’ War and see if I like that – note, just ordered from Amazon. I never ding an author for not liking the first book by them I read, I always find another one and try it. A good example of this is Cherryh – read one, didn’t like it; read two, loved them; read one, didn’t like; etc – you get the idea.

    Yeo, we talked about Blood of Ambrose in a couple of places!

  6. Ces, sorry it slipped my mind. Was under the weather this weekend.
    Patrick – yup!

  7. Desolation Road is a great, great novel; and this is a cover that does it justice.

  8. Thank you Adam. I really think this has come together to capture the book wonderfully.

  9. Even if I wasn’t already a fan of McDonald I would buy this book just for the beautieful cover.

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