Kay on the Road, Again

Kay Kenyon reports on this past weekend’s Orycon in Portland, Oregon, and the subsequent SF/F AuthorFest at Powell’s Books. She writes: “Orycon was in fine form this year, with GOH Robert Charles Wilson, among others. I was there too, and signed a few books and one robot. This yet-to-be-named robot will soon sport hundreds of sf/f fantasy author signatures. It will be auctioned off at a major venue like World Con or the RadCon Toxic Waste Party for the benefit of the Endeavour Award. (Won this weekend by Robin Hobb.)” Here is Kay and the unnamed robot (left).

Meanwhile, at the Powell’s AuthorFest, Kay signs Bright of the Sky next to the wonderful Mary Rosenblum, on hand with her novel Horizons. Also pictured on the left, Eldon Thompson.

In related Kenyon news, Calico Reaction has read Bright of the Sky and says, “Let me just start off by praising her ability to create real, individual characters from the start. ….what amazed me with Bright of the Sky is that every character, no matter how minor, reads like a real, individual person from the moment you meet him/her….”

Which is very nice. And she continues:

“Another reason this book’s worth the effort is the amazing complexity of the world-building. This world (story, characters, EVERYTHING) is so intricate that I can only marvel at the revelation of it. I know I sound over the top, but if you sit down with this book and start reading, you start to realize just how deep the world-building goes. …I’m really impressed.”

And that’s nice too. And finally:

“There’s a weight to this book, a depth, that really drew me in from the start. It’s not a fast read in that the prose flies off the page, but it’s by no means a slow read either. It’s a book you want to savor and absorb, gathering all the information and clues you can, because the story and characters and EVERYTHING is so damn complex. I keep saying that, I know, but it is. Just when you think you know what’s at stake, you find out that you really don’t. And that’s what keeps you reading.”

And that’s nice enough for one blog post.

1 thought on “Kay on the Road, Again”

  1. Heee! Thanks for the shout-out! Glad to know I’m not completely worthless when it comes to reading PYR titles… 😉

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