Brasyl Nuts and Shoofly Pie

William Lexner really loved Brasyl.

“Last June I reviewed Ian McDonald’s most recent book, River of Gods, and I called it ‘The most important SF novel that has been released in my 18 years of fandom.’ So it may be a bit surprising when I say that the forthcoming Brasyl is just as strong, a bit tighter, a lot faster paced, and all-around probably a better, more enjoyable novel…. Brasyl is almost guaranteed a Hugo nomination.”

Lexner’s “rapturous review” finds itself lampooned on the hysterical My Elves are Different.

Meanwhile, Another Piece of Shooflypie really enjoys Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge:

“My fourth book of the year was the original SF anthology Fast Forward 1, edited by Lou Anders. Anders is the editor of the Pyr line, which has quickly become one of the best SF publishers around (River of Gods and Infoquake and Paragaea, to name a few). This book is also from Pyr and does not disappoint. There are 19 stories and 2 poems (both by Robyn Hitchcock, former lead singer of The Soft Boys and current solo artist) underneath yet another brilliant John Picacio cover (and I really need to buy that book on his work). There was only one story I didn’t care for, which is a fantastic ratio for any anthology. The highlights include Paul Di Filippo’s “Wikiworld,” where a guy in love with an oyster pirate ends up running the government for a few days in a future where Wiki is the basis of all interactions from political to economical to social; Ken MacLeod’s “Jesus Christ, Reanimator,” a look at how things might go if Christ actual did return to today’s world; and John Meaney’s “Sideways From Now,” about quantum linking and alternate realities and politics and loss (and I must start reading his novels). Almost all of the rest of the stories are at that high quality and I can’t recommend it enough. The best part is the “1” in the title…I can’t wait to read the second in the series and I hope that one day I’ll actually have a story in Fast Forward as well.”

6 thoughts on “Brasyl Nuts and Shoofly Pie”

  1. Shara Saunsaucie

    Makes me wonder which story he didn’t care for. 🙂 Granted, everyone has their own tastes, and he’s probably smart for not saying so, but still…inquiring minds want to know! 🙂

  2. I think it’s polite of him not to say, and certainly, if he liked 18 out of 19, that really is a tremendous ratio for an anthology. I consider anthologies (I read) a success if I like more than 50% of the stories. And I never expect to like more than 75%.

  3. Shara Saunsaucie

    Oh, I agree it’s very polite of him not to say. 🙂 I always get curious though, cause I like to compare reader tastes. Still, it’s something I would ask the guy privately (and personally) it I really wanted to know.

    You’re right though: great ratio. You should be proud!

    So when’s FF2 coming out? 😉

  4. Hey, Lou. Thanks for the link. I was amazed that I liked almost everything in the book – other anthologies I’ve enjoyed have had a much lower ratio than Fast Forward. But when you assemble a group of writers like this one, the results are bound to be pretty good.

    And Shara, I’d be happy to let you know which story I didn’t like if you want to send me an e-mail or something.

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