A Forward Looking Booklist

Booklist has reviewed Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge:

“An anthology inspired by its editor’s declaration that ‘science fiction is a tool for making sense of a changing world’ contains quite a range of stories, from Elizabeth Bear’s ‘The Something-Dreaming Game,’ in which children play a fainting game (basically autoerotic asphyxiation), and one girl communicates with the possibly last member of an alien species, to Tony Ballantyne’s ‘Aristotle OS,’ in which a journalist with computer problems upgrades from the familiar, platonic OSs to Aristotle; the different systems operate on the theories of the philosophers referenced, causing some very interesting problems when the journalist connects to the Internet with its wealth of contradictory information. Ken MacLeod’s ‘Jesus Christ, Reanimator’ is an interesting take on the second coming, replete with fascinating rationalizations by both scientific and Christian establishments, none of which wants to take Jesus on faith. Louise Marley tells a time-travel story about a particular performance instruction, p dolce, in the music of Brahms. Other contributions by familiar and new names fill out a worthy menu of engrossing forays into wildly, creatively varied futures.” –Regina Schroeder

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