Locus Looks Forward, Times Two

The February 2007 issue of Locus is out, containing two very nice reviews of Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge:

“Lou Anders has edited a couple of first rate anthologies over the past few years, and with this book he initiates what one hopes will be a series of original anthologies. I enjoyed Fast Forward 1, and I certainly hope it continues for years…The table of contents is intrigu­ing – featuring many of the best newer writers, including some who may be unfamiliar to US readers…it must be said that the stories are on the whole solid work…plenty of good stories, only one great one. That great story is Ken MacLeod’s ‘‘Jesus Christ, Reanimator’’, at this very early date a definite competitor for the 2007 Hugo…It’s smart and cynical and even surprising. First rate work…well worth reading…on balance a pretty fine anthology.” -review by Rich Horton
“For some years now, Lou Anders has been editing good to excellent original anthologies with urgently prospective science-fictional themes…Now, in charge at Pyr Books, Anders has the security of outcome necessary to plan a whole anthology series – a rare opportunity these days. And, naturally, his continuing urge to confront the future grounds that series: Fast Forward. The first volume is definitely promising: many first-rate contributors, some striking individual stories…many SF readers will enjoy Fast Forward 1 cover to cover; but ‘Fast Forward’ should be exactly that, a speculative onrush into futures still possible and valid, and on that count this anthology is only partly successful.” –review by Nick Gevers
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