Updates for Ungulates

I don’t actually know any ungulates.  Nor do I know how one would even get here, what with their tremendous, clomping hooves.  They’d be all like, “how do i work the keyboard” and I’d be all like “‘I’ should be capitalized” and they’d be all, “man, you know i aint one for punctuation, imma goddamn wildebeest ps did i show you this youtube of this cat.”

So, anyway, I guess these updates are purely for your benefit.  I hope you can enjoy some or all of them.

On Tuesday, May 22nd, 8 PM Central Time, I will be participating in an Ask Me Anything on Fantasy Reddit!

It’d mean a lot to me if some of you guys could come and see me.  I’m terrified I won’t get any questions aside from: “Where is the bathroom.”  The answer to that is I do not know.  Unless you are one of my neighbors or LeVar Burton, I have not been in your house.  Just follow that link up above at the appointed time and I will be there.

For you.

ARCs of The Skybound Sea are here!

How’s that look?  Pretty nice, huh?

For those of you that simply can’t wait, we’ll be giving out at least three of these ARCs for a contest starting next week, one for each of   Subjects will include creative writing, fan art and your best impression of wildlife.

This, I hope, will be starting next week!  I hope you can participate!

I will be at Phoenix Comicon This Weekend!

Yes!  My schedule is also up there!  Humor!  Action!  Epic fantasy!  Holy shit!

When not there, I will be at my little booth near the Mysterious Galaxy table.  Hope you’ll come by!

John Scalzi will also be at Comicon!

…well, that’s technically a lie.  But the best kind of lie, I feel, since it in fact, is also kind of true.  John Scalzi will not actually be at Comicon, as he has been for the whole time I’ve been there.  Unfortunately, I choose not to accept this.  Without John Scalzi, there is no Comicon for me.  Hence, I feel the desperate urge to replace him in effigy.

Thus, for this weekend, the role of John Scalzi will be played by this Mister Potato-Head.

Unfortunately, John won’t be signing anything.  Nor will John be on any panels.  Nor will John be speaking at all, having undertaken a vow of silence for the weekend.

Please do come by and see John and I, though.  We’ll be having a blast!


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