Entertainment Weekly Gives Mappa Mundi an A-, SFFWorld Loves Resnick

Justina Robson’s Mappa Mundi has just received a great review in the September 15th issue of Entertainment Weekly:

“For fans of Brave New World or Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash, if they met Thomas Pynchon in a cybercafé. Lowdown: A lyrical, attentively written anti-utopia. Grade: A-“

Meanwhile, Rob H. Bedford, over at SFFWorld, has this to say about Mike Resnick’s New Dreams for Old:

New Dreams for Old, with its gorgeous Stephan Martiniere cover, is terrific collection displaying Mike Resnick’s wonderful storytelling abilities across the range of speculative fiction. What makes these stories so great is, despite their far out and fantastical settings, how intimately they touch upon the human condition, both now and in the future, even through the eyes of robots and elephants.”

I’m particularly gratified Rob mentions the Stephan Martiniere cover, as I love seeing artists getting their due. Stephan also provided the cover for Mappa Mundi as well.

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