9 thoughts on “This is Mutiny, Mr Christian!!”

  1. Christian Berntsen

    I'd take that personally if I didn't like the book so much (and, you know, it wasn't a well know literary reference).

  2. I've tried reading Resnick – 2 or 3 at the urging of my husband – and I just don't enjoy him.

    However, The Quiet War arrived on my doorstep yesterday – which is great! And it looks absolutely gorgeous! So now I have both it and Dawnthief to read! I'd been saving starting Dawnthief for a specific reason – I had some oral surgery this morning, and it's going to be a quiet weekend. But I have my 2 books! (along with Night Shade's Sherlock Holmes & The Windup Girl.)

  3. Oh, I wish I could read The Windup Girl. I do have it, so maybe I can absorb its brilliance by osmosis. Meanwhile, will be very eager for your opinion of the McAuley.

  4. I finished The Quiet War yesterday.

    I loved it!

    This man needs to write more books so I can buy more books and make Pyr rich! The pacing was wonderful. The characters were entirely believable – at least 3 or 4 of them I know personally. And the science part of it wasn't too science-y – I found myself reading every word and not having to skip any of it because it was over my head.

    And the ending . . . perfect.

    I want to read more about what happens to these worlds and the people in them.

  5. I enjoy the books and would get them for my Kindle, but unfortunatel;y they're not in Amazon's standard format. Instead they're in the Topaz format with its quirky fonts and inability to control line spacing. Hopefully future Pyr books will be in the .azw format.

  6. Conversion is on their end. If you click "I'd like to read this book on the Kindle" they apparently prioritize.

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