8 More Pyr Titles Arrive on the Kindle

A batch of eight more Pyr books has been Kindle-ized (though one is only listed as pre-order. Didn’t know they’d do that with ebooks.)

They are:

Justina Robson’s Chasing the Dragon (Quantum Gravity, Book 4)(Preorder)

Sean Williams’ The Crooked Letter: Books of the Cataclysm: One

Chris Roberson’s End of the Century

Gardner Dozois’ Galileo’s Children: Tales Of Science VS. Superstition

Sean Williams’ The Hanging Mountains

Alexis Glynn Latner’s Hurricane Moon

Theodore Judson’s The Martian General’s Daughter

Matthew Sturges’ Midwinter

Again, no control of the order in which Amazon puts these things up. It is apparently based at least partially on demand, as logged by their “I’d like to read this book on Kindle” button. Click often.

8 thoughts on “8 More Pyr Titles Arrive on the Kindle”

  1. Hey there-

    Though I think its great there ia a way to get e versions of these books I'm not to happy about recent events with the kindle. As a publisher I would urge you to include with the book a document to the kindle client warning them that Amazon can remotely delete said item from their library as we have now seen is a capability of the device (possibly among ones e have yet to learn of).

    I would be happier if you would make e-versions that are not limited to a single device (ie sony reader, kindle)

    anyhow congrats on the new revenue stream – i'll be sticking to dead wood versions for the time being…

  2. Hey GL,
    We are indeed talking to other platforms/formats right now, and I am hoping we'll be available in some alternative formats relatively soon. Amazon is just the fastest on the draw, which is why it's up first.

  3. Hey thanks for the reply… i appreciate knowing that you read my post

    I was not intending to be critical.. I just felt that I had to ask if you intend to expand into the non-amazon market since there are many reasons I chose right not not to support them…

    Thanks again


  4. Didn't take it as such. For my own reading, I use Stanza (because of its ease of transferring word documents across – I mostly read manuscript submissions) and I will probably use the B&N eReader for any commercial purchases, but one of my best friend's swears by his Kindle and is always trying to get me to buy one. We want to be available on as many platforms as possible, so people can make up their own minds. Things just moved the fastest with Amazon (not surprisingly). I'll certainly announce it here when other developments appear.

  5. If you release eBooks yourself without any DRM, you won't have to wait for Amazon or anyone else to be able to start selling them. Convert (offer ePub, Mobipocket/Kindle, HTML, etc), host (use your own servers so there's no waiting), and PROFIT. People LOVE supporting DRM free stuff.

    I'd love to give Pyr my money, but instead I've been getting your stuff for free at the library. Trust me, this makes me sad.

  6. There is talk of eventually having our own ebook hosting platform. But have you heard about "the speed of publishing." This is all actually moving very fast, relatively. It just doesn't seem like that from a vantage point in the real world.

  7. But I don't see why a book that is already published in paper form requires that things move along again at "the speed of publishing" to be released in eBook form. A publisher certainly has access to a digital file (even if it's an OCR of a printed book, as numerous errors suggest to me that Desolation Road came from). Even my grandpa can take a Word document and turn it in to an good looking ePub or Mobipocket file.

    And I don't mean any disrespect by my complaints. I like Pyr, otherwise I wouldn't be frustrated. 😉

  8. Don't want to get into an argument. Conversion not the problem. Building an entire online ecommerce platform to sell the ebook, though, is a bigger issue.

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