AGE OF MISRULE: BOOK 1 / Collectors’ Item!

Well, there’s good news, and then there’s even better news for fantasy lovers and book collectors everywhere. First, the most exciting news — the AGE OF MISRULE is finally here in the US. Mark Chadbourn’s AGE OF MISRULE: BOOK ONE / WORLD’S END is back from the printer and it looks gorgeous. This is the stateside debut of Chadbourn’s long-awaited MISRULE novels, and it’s a stunning, epic read. The book will be available by May.

Here’s the even better news for all first-edition book collectors — you’ll definitely want to grab your copy of this one right away. Why? According to word from Pyr this week, the printer forgot to place the Pyr logo on the spine of the book. Not the end of the world since Pyr’s logo is on the back and inside, and this error will be corrected for the second printing of the book. In the meantime, this is the kind of thing that collectors and Ebayists live for. According to Pyr, orders were already fast and furious for AGE OF MISRULE before this happened. So, go get ’em before they’re all gone, book collectors — they won’t last long before they end up on Ebay. 🙂

9 thoughts on “AGE OF MISRULE: BOOK 1 / Collectors’ Item!”

  1. Just got my Collector's Edition! No Pyr logo on the spine!

    I am very impressed – the cover turned out darker than the computer image, so it's more of a dark green than a bright grass green. Yay!

    Noticed something funny though on the back cover. It states that the "back cover design" is by Nicole. My interpretation of that is that someone else (John? Lou? Ghost?) did the front cover design.

    And it came a day early! Great – hubby can do taxes tonight & I can read!

  2. Very glad you like the final results!

    Re: the design. Nicole is one of our three in-house designers. Generally they are the ones doing the design over the out-of-house illustrators’ work. John, however, is unique in that he often suggests type treatments along with his art. So in this case, the type on the front is John, as is the spine, and the backcover is Nicole.

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