8 thoughts on “Matthew Sturges’s Midwinter”

  1. The part I love about the cover the most is the man's face – it looks so real, like there really is a man standing there. A very intense man. An angry man. The woman's face is what, too smooth maybe? it just doesn't look real in the same way. And of course the pointed ears are abvious. And that sword! And the background – it's definitely mid-winter there, & I want to go there!

    The backcover is also lovely, especially with the addition of the white bird in the blurb area. And the blurb being transparent, but not too transparent, is wonderful.

    Good job everyone!

  2. Look again at the bird. It’s actually the dragon/wyvern thing from the top right corner of the illustration.

  3. Hmmm, ok, I blew it up HUGE in Paint Shop Pro, and yeah, it isn’t a bird. Looks like a bird though when still small.

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    Memo to Self: Blow-up covers huge next time before committing a goof!

    I still like it though!

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