12 thoughts on “Blood of Ambrose: Check It Out, Yo!”

  1. I can virtually guarantee you won’t be disappointed. I felt like Enge’s work sits between Abercrombie and Lynch tonally, with a real nod to Leiber and even a touch of Wolfe or Moorcock. Maybe even some Gaiman or Swanwick in his prose.

    I’m throwing out too many names. I just thing he’s a power, ‘is all.

  2. Gorgeous, gorgeous cover.

    I’m psyched about the interior illustration too.

    Very much looking forward to April.

  3. That cover would c ompel me to buy the book too – it’s wonderful! – IF it didn’t have the human on it. The human sort of spoils it – here you have this mysterious moonlit foggy city leaving you to wonder where the blood comes from, and then you have a male (I presume) holding a sword.

    As a side note – blood must be the current hot topic – just to the right of your post is another blood book – The Blood Debt.

  4. One day you are going to come up with something I don’t want to read.

    It appears today is definitely not that day, however.


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