John Picacio Art Tour

Cheryl Morgan has posted a video tour she did with John Picacio of his corner of the Denvention WorldCon art show. If you weren’t able to attend WorldCon (or if like me you didn’t make it to the art show before it broke down), here’s a little taste for you.

4 thoughts on “John Picacio Art Tour”

  1. Thanks to you and Cheryl for this. They closed the art show so early on Saturday that I never made it in!

  2. John does awesome work. I got a chance to see the Well Built City triptych at ArmadilloCon and it was absolutely spectacular.

  3. Yeah, the WELL-BUILT CITY arrived back home in SA the day before I left for Armadillocon. I didn’t expect that. So when my buddy Sanford picked me up the next morning, we carefully loaded the big box into his van and it rode with us to Austin. Definitely wasn’t expecting to do that, and I’m glad that two different audiences got to see it in person.

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