Time magazine’s Barbara Ehrenreich recommends Ian McDonald’s River of Gods
in the current issue, in a piece entitled, “Alternative Universes, With a Hindi Glossary.”
She says: “I read fiction addictively to get as far out of this flat and blighted ‘real world’ as I can. When a friend recommended Ian McDonald’s River of Gods, I was dubious; 600 pages, including a glossary of Hindi terms? But it worked… There aren’t many literary sci-fi thrillers that deliver a mind-expanding metaphysical punch, and this one ended all too soon. But in the afterglow of McDonald’s lushly blooming imagination, even the real world is looking better.”
okay, Ehrenreich’s recommendation led me to River of Gods; hurrah! I just finished it.
“Hurrah” that you found it, or “hurrah” that you finished it? It is a long book… 😉