The 2008 Pyr Sampler eBook

We’ve just made a 326-page sample book we printed to give out at conventions available as a free PDF-format ebook. It contains sizable excerpts from 7 of our 2008 titles and is online for download here from both the catalog and forthcoming book pages. If you are viewing this on the (as opposed to the page), click “catalog” and “forthcoming” in the menu bar on your left, or you’ll get a window in a window, and who knows where it will end.

Excerpts are from Joe Abercrombie’s Before They Are Hanged, Kay Kenyon’s A World Too Near, Theodore Judson’s The Martian General’s Daughter, Robert Silverberg’s Son of Man, David Louis Edelman’s MultiReal, and Mike Resnick’s Stalking the Unicorn and Stalking the Dragon.

Happy Reading!

4 thoughts on “The 2008 Pyr Sampler eBook”

  1. I actually get a can’t open/corrupted from this, with two different readers, tried downloading it twice.

    I don’t use Adobe though.

  2. Sorry about that. The only format right now is Adobe. The ebook was actually an afterthought. We printed up 3,000 actual book samplers to give away at conventions that we’ll be distributing between now and September(ish). They’ve appeared already at OmegaCon and LunaCon and I’ll have them with me at ApolloCon and possibly WorldCon, elsewhere. After they were printed and debuted, I asked for a PDF to put online.

  3. Seems to work for me now, though.

    If still the same file, maybe just an odd server glitch.

    Good idea, too, for the non-convention and non-over there people.

  4. Very glad it worked for you. If it’s a hit we’ll see about doing this every season.

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