Joseph Mallozzi, executive producer of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis, is a big SF&F reader – and you know it’s always interesting to me to discover people from the filmic side of the genre who are. He’s such a heavy reader, in fact, that each month Joe picks two science fiction titles and two fantasy titles and asks his readership votes for one of each to read and discuss.
Recently, our own Sean Williams’ The Crooked Letter
lost out to The Princess Bride (which, to be fair, has the advantage of also being a famous film), but Joe has decided to read The Crooked Letter anyway. And he invited his readership to do so as well. Now, thanks to our publicity director, Jill Maxick, Pyr willl be helping Joe host a contest on his blog for those readers that join him. As Joe explains:
“Free copies of The Blood Debtto three lucky readers who finish The Crooked Letter and are ready to continue the series. Winners will be announced sometime in mid-January so start reading.”