Bookgasm has just announced their 5 Best Sci-Fi Books of 2007. Ryun Patterson has chosen Ian McDonald’s Brasylas the # 1 title of the year. He says:
“Holy wow. Once I started reading Brasyl, I knew I would never see the world quite the same way again… Brasyl shows that Pyr has serious chops in acquiring new material in addition to picking up previously published gems. Read the review if you want more, but my first recommendation is this: Close your browser, put your computer to sleep, go to the bookstore, buy Brasyl, take off the dust jacket without reading it, and clear your calendar. You’re in for a treat. Along with McDonald’s River of Gods,
it is easily one of the best books of the last 10 years.”
Meanwhile, Joel Shepherd’s two 2007 Cassandra Kresnov novels, Breakawayand Killswitch,
tie for # 5.
“There’s not a lot about these books that I haven’t already said in my pair of breathless reviews, and while one probably would have made the list on its own merits, having two of these tomes in the span of a year really takes the cake. Pyr books has been knocking down doors in both publishing original fiction and bringing foreign work to North America, and Shepherd’s Cassandra Kresnov series demonstrates the second half of this equation wonderfully. Why weren’t these books brought over sooner? How many other authors and ideas are just waiting to get picked up, gussied up with holy-cow-amazing cover art by the likes of Stephan Martiniere, and unleashed upon the unsuspecting North American public? More, I hope.”
Hey Lou and Pyr folks,
Three of your books ended up on my year end Best of Science Fiction List. Check it out at