10 thoughts on “Spring Summer 2008”

  1. Neat!

    Some of these are familiar, and others are new. When are we going to hear more about these titles? 🙂

  2. Hi Paul:
    Yes, the “familiar” ones are paperback editions of previous hardcovers. The book descriptions have been fed into the various databases and should start showing up on online vendors shortly, and we’ll have individual book pages up on the pyrsf.com site soonish, along with a downloadable PDF of our just-back-from-the-printers Spring/Summer 2008 catalog. Thanks!

  3. One thing i will say…almost every single one of those covers are striking and really grab your attention. Very nice.

  4. Lou….slightly off topic for this post, but i thought i would suggest maybe adding a new module to your blog in the top right that contained a link to your main website (just in case readers come to the blog first, instead of your website then the blog). Plus, it improves search engine optimization to have links back to your main site 🙂

    Sorry about the thread hijack…back to regular programming.

  5. Lou…that is correct. I was viewing the page on the blogger.com url.

    One more suggestion. I don’t see a way for viewers to subscribe to your blog, so they can be notified of updates automatically in their blog reader. I can talk you through that if you need help…I just recently did that for my blog, so I still remember how it works 🙂

    (Sorry about thread hijack #2)

  6. Ah, I got it. I was able to add your site to my My yahoo page using the atom feed. Now that I see how blog looks on the main site, I am guessing the page is loaded via an iframe, and yeah, I can see how adding other subscribe methods would be redundant. thanks Lou. I will try to finally leave you alone about your website 🙂

  7. God no, I really dig the feedback. I’m pretty happy with the overall Pyr site as it stands, but I am ALWAYS open to ways to make it better. About to overhaul the personal site too, so this is very valuable. Thank you.

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