Bright of the Sky: PW’s Best Books of the Year 2007

This week’s Publishers Weekly Cover Story is their Editor Picks for PW’s Best Books of the Year 2007.

According to PW, three thousand books are published daily in the U.S., and PW reviewed more than 6,000 of them in 2007, in print and online. From that astounding number, they’ve culled a best books list covering their favorites in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, comics, religion, lifestyle and children’s—150 in all. (That’s right, only 150 total books from 6,000 reviewed titles.) And in the SF/Fantasy/Horror category PW selected only seven titles, one of which, we are very pleased to say, is our very own Bright of the Sky: Book One of The Entire and the Rose!

Congratulations to Kay Kenyon from everyone at Pyr/Prometheus! We couldn’t be happier!

PW says, “Deft prose, high-stakes suspense and skilled, thorough world building lift this first in a new far-future SF series involving a mishap in interstellar space that sends a family into a parallel universe.” Remember, you can read an excerpt from Bright of the Sky here. And feel free to drop by Kay’s Journal and congratulate her here.

2 thoughts on “Bright of the Sky: PW’s Best Books of the Year 2007”

  1. I was tickled to see the news of Kenyon’s recognition by PW — it is long overdue. I’ve read all of her stuff and have wondered when she was going to get some broader recognition from the awards community. I think she writes head and shoulders above nearly anyone else on the current SF scene and maybe Bright of the Sky will help her break out — I’m anxious to read what happens next so keep them coming — and thanks to Pyr for helping put her more on the map.

    The Doctah

  2. Thank you and will do. Book two, A World Too Near, comes out in March and we’ll keep ’em coming. Any and all help spreading the word of Kay’s genius much appreciated. I agree she deserves broader recognition and hope this good news builds and continues.

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