The Future And You

Mike Resnick is one of several authors podcast on the latest edition of The Future and You. He talks about the condition of present day Africa, the state of science fiction magazines, his experiences as an editor, the lack of respect for comedic SF and many more topics besides. Also in the podcast, Kim Stanley Robinson, Elizabeth Bear, Dave Freer, Paul Levinson and others.

Of course, those wanting a taste of Mike’s fictional Africa can always look here.

2 thoughts on “The Future And You”

  1. Lou,

    Think Mike Resnick is another one of those “stealth” authors. He regularly wins awards and gets stories in print, but seems to escape major notice form reviewers and interviewers.

    Glad to see you’re publishing his STARSHIP series, wherein he proceeds to happily subvert the cliches of the “heroic starship captain and crew” subgenre.

    As for lack of respect for comedic SF…that’s perhaps because too much un-funny comedic SF has been published, too many stories relying on puns (death to genre puns!) and fannish humor.

    Guess I tend to prefer the more satiric style of humorous SF. John Sladek and Barry Malzberg are masters of this, likewise the 50s-era short stories of Pohl & Kornbluth. Robert Sheckley in his prime was master, Connie Willis has written funny stuff, Howard Waldrop, George Alec Effinger…


  2. Thanks Robert. I LOVE the Starship series, which just gets better and better with each book.

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