It’s a Small World After All

The wonderful Small World Podcast, which features “interviews with people from all walks of life from all over the planet,” has just uploaded an interview with yours truly. We cover a host of subjects, including:

  • how Pyr began and how Pyr is different from other science fiction/fantasy imprints;
  • Pyr books like Keeping It Real, Crossover, Brasil, and Fast Forward 1
  • publishers that have a following;
  • where the name Pyr came from;
  • the artwork that appears on the covers of Pyr books;
  • the emerging themes in science fiction in the 21st century;
  • how the SciFi channel almost missed the boat with Doctor Who;
  • the escapsim/literature debate;
  • and the subversive nature of science fiction, including how Star Trek addressed racism

You can follow the link above or download an mp3 directly here.

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