Patrick of Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist offers his thoughts on Justina Robson’s Keeping It Real,
as well as news of a giveaway contest, on the Wotmania blog:
“This is a fun, entertaining and action-packed novel. There’s a lot of humor, and the pace is at times fast and furious. I was using Keeping it Real as my “commute” book, and I was always disappointed when I realized that my stop was next. Indeed, I found myself turning those pages, always eager to see what would happen next.”
Patrick also offers his thoughts on what KIR has to say about our line. He feels its inclusion in the list “demonstrates just how diversified Pyr’s stable of writers and novels will ultimately be. Once again, it’s evident that their desire to publish works that are different from what’s being released by the powerhouses continues to fuel Pyr’s passion for both science fiction and fantasy. And although they made a name for themselves with thought-provoking books by authors such as Ian McDonald, Sean Williams, David Louis Edelman and many others, by publishing novels such as Joe Abercrombie’s The Blade Itself and Justina Robson’s Keeping it Real they show that Pyr is not averse to release more humorous and entertaining books.