3 Pyr Titles @ the Library Journal

The Library Journal reviews three more Pyr titles, all recommended:

Kenyon, Kay. Bright of the Sky.
“Reminiscent of the groundbreaking novels of Philip K. Dick, Philip Jose Farmer, and Dan Simmons, her latest volume belongs in most libraries.”

Roberts, Adam. Gradisil.
“A picture of a possible future … that is both chillingly possible and dryly tongue-in-cheek. Fans of sf sagas will appreciate the attention to detail and engaging characters.”

Robson, Justina. Keeping It Real.
“…skillfully builds a seamless connection between sf and fantasy in this fast-paced series opener featuring a strong, action-oriented heroine and a unique world setting.” They go on to recommend the book to fans of both “contemporary culture” and “mature YA.”

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