Green Goodness

Cat Eldridge has a few thoughts about Fast Forward 1: Future Fiction from the Cutting Edge over on The Green Man Review:

“So what’s good here? A story by Kage Baker (‘Plotters and Shooters’) is set in her Company universe but which is not a Company story, but a space opera in the form of a look at war in space above and beyond. Or how about a witty look at the future of wikis? ‘Wikiworld’ by Paul Di Filippo takes the ideas of Cory Doctorow one step further by showing what would happen in a society run on gifts, wikis, fast and lose consensus, and running code. The Something-Dreaming Game’ by Elizabeth Bear is a gem of a great story as is Gene Wolfe’s ‘The Hour of the Sheep’. Most everything is superb here… Overall I think Anders has done an exemplary job of putting together first rate anthology.”

Nor is her comment that Pyr is “certainly one of the hottest new genre publishers we’ve seen over the past few decades” unappreciated.

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