Three More Pyr Reviews

A review by David Hebblethwaite over on for George Zebrowski’s Macrolife: A Mobile Utopia. David writes:

Macrolife is a novel with ideas at the fore. … There’s a welcome complexity to the issues examined. For instance, technology is not characterized as something wholly good or bad; but, more accurately, as a potential source of both problems and solutions, depending on how it is used… Zebrowski does not shy away from looking at the downside to macrolife; and there is much debate on the rights and wrongs of interfering with planetary civilizations, with no easy answers… The Library Journal quote on the cover says that Macrolife is ‘one of the 100 best science fiction novels of all-time.’ Whilst I’m not knowledgeable enough to be the judge of that, I am sure that the book is no less relevant now than it was in 1979. Whether macrolife as depicted here will be part of humanity’s future, it is good that we should think about it — and it is good that we have such an eloquent and spirited expression of the idea as Zebrowski’s novel.”

And a review on Lesley on the Eternal Night for Alan Dean Foster’s Sagramanda compares the fictional city of the title with the reviewer’s actual experience of India:

“Having been fortunate enough to visit a number of cities across India I did wonder how the city and population of Sagramanda would compare to the real people and places I have experienced. I was pleasantly surprised. As I read I could almost smell the air of Delhi or Kohlapur and feel the heat of the sun. What did impress me was the way the author introduced subtle touches of technology into the India of tomorrow; just enough to let you know you are in the near future without destroying the overall sensation of being in the Indian subcontinent.”

Finally, Cheryl Morgan can’t resist reading Justina Robson’s Keeping it Real in time for the lamentably-final issue of the great site Emerald City:

“Black leather, motorbikes, elf rock stars who actually know what an electric guitar is for, a small nuclear reactor, and some big guns. And, because this is Justina Robson we are talking about, a heroine with a great deal of self-doubt who is just as likely to let go with the tears as with an Uzi… Yes, Keeping It Real is a thrill-a-minute adventure yarn full of sex and elves and motorbikes. But it is also a book in which dragons are well versed in quantum mechanics.”

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