Surrey International Writer’s Conference 2011

In fact, you may recall that I said the winners for THE MOST GIVINGEST AWAY EVER would be announced today.  I must confess to you that I am, indeed, a big, fat liar whose pants are ablaze with untruths and falsehoods.

Well, that’s half-true.  In truth, I am not particularly fat, though I am quite large.  And in fact, my pants have been on fire since I visited Honest Betty down on Washington Street who warned me, but I just wouldn’t listen.  Regardless, I am still at least a big liar with pants on fire and for that I deserve to be punished, which will be just fine by me, so long as it’s not Honest Betty and you wait until I finish this blog post.

I’m certain I’ve ranted about the Surrey International Writer’s Conference before, with specific details picked up about what a tremendous opportunity it is for young writers (and indeed, what a tremendous opportunity it was for me), as well as how great it is to introduce people to the worlds of networking, publishing and editors and, of course, how awesome it is to be able to meet and draw from the experience of so many great authors available at the conference.

Did I not?

Well, there, I just did.

It doesn’t count?  Gosh, you’re picky.

Well, what if I told you that I’ll be present at said conference this very upcoming week and will, in fact, be one of those great authors you can draw experience from?  Does that soothe your fevered brows?  That should be glorious, I think, and more than make up for my ineptitudinal ability to count giveaway entries.

So, I do hope to see you there.  Be sure to bring me a snack.


2 thoughts on “Surrey International Writer’s Conference 2011”

  1. Hey Sam! That’s my pic! Where’s my photo credit??!!
    Off to shop for this year’s ‘smashing pumpkin”
    Looking forward to seeing you at SIWC again this year.

    ~ Ursula Maxwell-Lewis
    SiWC Founding Director/Treasurer

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