Tales From the Blog O’ Sphere

I know what you’re thinking: “What’s this?  TWO blog posts by Sam Sykes, notorious recluse and totally humble guy who has never once told anyone how much he can bench, in the span of a few days?!  I must be dreaming!

Well, I wasn’t supposed to tell you, but you are dreaming!  This just the final conclusion to your years-long slumber.  As soon as you finish this sentence, you will wake up and discover that you are the person who invented the prostitute android model known as Sexbot 5000, after which you sold the patent and will awake to your own personal robotic harem and millions of dollars!

HAH!  No, I’m kidding.  You’re still just a geek reading a blog by a bigger geek.  But, if you set your dreams a little lower, you might just find that they’ll come true with this blog post…assuming your dream was to get in-depth interviews from a very powerful, handsome author.

No, I’m not talking about the recent interview I did with Floor to Ceiling Books (that one’s cool, though, you should probably check it out).  Rather, I’m talking about…


For the past week, I’ve been keeping silently speaking with/blackmailing/harassing sexually various well-known fantasy bloggers.  My goal: to gather an in-depth, collective “state of the genre” address through various contributors on topics like New Releases, Cover Art, Gender-Specific Reading (these answers may shock and horrify you), Issues in the Genre, Most Anticipated and Blogger Tastes.

These have been going on for about a week now and I really couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome.  A lot of bloggers, rather than just spitting on me like they usually do, actually came out and offered unique insights into the genre and literary criticism as a whole.  I had a lot of fun with this project and I think you will, too.

Appearing on the List (in order of how handsome they find Sam Sykes):

Not appearing:

Pretty good line-up, right?  Lots of blooming minds and deep thoughts, keeps the riff-raff out…yeah, I think we’re going to enjoy this.

TALES FROM THE BLOG O’ SPHERE begins within the next two days and continues until we hit them all!  Keep your eyes on this space for great interviews and spectacular insight into the genre!

If you don’t watch, I’ll know.

And I’ll find you.

7 thoughts on “Tales From the Blog O’ Sphere”

  1. You might be very attractive underneath the scarf. On the other hand, people who cover their faces normally have good reason to do so. I’m reserving judgment until all the facts are in.

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