Thursday Caption Competition

I picked up a copy of Carey Rockwell’s 1952 juvenile Stand By For Mars! in a thrift shop recently, and rattled through it in no time at all: hearty if dated fun, enlivened by a bunch of rather nice illustrations. Indeed, these are the sort of pictures that just cry out to be re-captioned. So I offer the book’s frontispiece to readers of this blog [click on the image above for a larger version] with this challenge: the best caption in comments below wins the inestimable honour of the title Pyr Blog Thursday Caption Competition Laureate April 2009. So what are you waiting for? (You can see my offering, together with other illustrations from this book, over here).

7 thoughts on “Thursday Caption Competition”

  1. IKEA giant angry! Flat pack cabinet not Easy Assemble at all! IKEA Senate must answer for this!

  2. Adam Roberts Project

    ‘Evidently, Munchkinland has enjoyed a number of technological advances since my mother last visited …’

  3. Ha. But you already won your won challenge with: The Solar Guardsman directed the stream of urine high in the air, vaulting not only the Monorail Car but also the stack of old magazines balanced on its canopy, and hitting the enormous metal “1” right on the nose.

  4. Adam Roberts Project

    You’re on to something, Lou. I set the competition; which I then enter. Then *I* decide who wins and … prrrresto!

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